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8 Tips for Getting Rid of a Nagging Headache

Paisley Hansen
Are you tired of your head constantly pounding? Here are a few tips to get rid of the pain and get back to life!
What can you do to treat a headache when over-the-counter pain relievers are unavailable, don’t provide relief, or heading to the drugstore is out of the question? That nagging headache can certainly intrude on the day, especially when pain relievers offer no relief, but there are many other headache relief techniques that will work.
The 8 tips here help put an end to the headache that you cannot seem to shake. Use one or more of these tips if you suffer from a nagging headache and soon, you’ll be back to your old, headache-free self again.

1. Total Darkness

Seeing nothing at all is sometimes best when you experience a headache. Cover your eyes with a mask to blackout all sources of light. Many tension headaches and migraines ease when you’re in total darkness and in a quiet area. Turn off any noises that may disturb you and try lying down on your bed or the sofa until the pain eases.

2. Ice Pack

Migraine headache sufferers oftentimes find that ice packs stop the pain they experience since it quickly numbs the area. Give it a try. If you don’t own a prepared ice pack, simply wrap up a few cubes of ice in a washcloth to place on the temples of your head.

3. Heat Compress

Some people prefer the heat over the cold and the use of an ice pack to treat their headache. Others use the rotating heat/ice method and still yet some use it if the ice pack doesn't offer any relief. A heat compress is available for purchase at the local pharmacy for just a couple of bucks. Many compresses are reusable.

4. Get a Caffeine Boost

Before the onset of a headache, the blood vessels in the brain tend to increase in size. Caffeine has a vasoconstrictive effect, which releases some of the tension on the blood vessels, thus decreasing the headache. Catch your headache early and a glass of soda or tea may be the cure-all you need.

5. Relaxation Techniques

Although performing relaxation techniques may be the last thought on your mind during a nagging headache, it may actually provide you with fast-acting relief when it seems nothing else stops the pain. Relaxation techniques such as yoga and stretching have shown beneficial in headache improvement.

6. Essential Oils

Using essential oils can do great things for your overall well-being, depending on the type of oil you select. In fact, many people turn to Young Living essential oils when headaches impact their day.
Many essential oils stop the nuisance and pain headaches cause, however, some work better than others. Try peppermint oil, lavender oil, and chamomile oil for the best headache relief options.

7. Drink More Water

If constant headaches affect your life, maybe it’s time to increase your daily water intake. Our body is made up primarily of water. If it is depleted of water, it causes our body to fill with toxins and creates a myriad of additional health concerns. Drink more water and those headaches may soon be a thing of the past.

8. Take Magnesium

Numerous studies show that a magnesium deficiency may lead to a number of health problems, including headaches. Take a daily magnesium supplement to reduce both the frequency and severity of headaches.
Magnesium is especially beneficial in the treatment of migraine headaches. Add 600-mg. of magnesium to your daily regimen and there is a good chance you will no longer suffer from headaches.
Put that headache in its place by using one or more of the relief techniques listed above. These techniques offer fast headache relief for most users!