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Acid Indigestion Symptoms

Ajanta Bhattacharyya
Acid indigestion is a burning sensation in the pit of your stomach. Enunciated herein, are the symptoms of this ailment, in addition to a supplementary section on what you could do to prevent the painful acid reflux.
Acid indigestion is a common digestive disorder, being categorized with conditions, such as, heartburn, and constipation. It is caused by overeating or irregular intake of food, consumption of spicy meals, smoking, alcohol addiction, anxiety, sleeplessness.

Signs and Symptoms of Acid Indigestion

Heartburn: Heartburn occurs due to the reaction of the stomach acid toward spicy, and oily foods, during the process of digestion.
Even though the term seems to suggest cardiac crises, the term 'heartburn' is not related to heart attack; however, it is a symptom of acid indigestion. One may experience a kind of burning sensation in the upper abdomen. Gradually, this burning sensation rises toward the chest, and throat.
Poor appetite: Another symptom of acid indigestion is poor appetite, or loss of appetite. In such cases, one has the constant feeling that the stomach is full; thereby, the urge to consume food is less.
Flatulence: Acid indigestion is also characterized by flatulence, or production of gases in the abdomen. Here, one passes excess gas with foul odor through the rectum.
Belching: This is another symptom of acid indigestion, where gas from the digestive tract (stomach or esophagus) is released through the mouth. Belching, also known as burping or eructation.
Nausea: This sign is caused due to excessive acid reflux to the esophagus, and reaction to conditions; such as, worry, fear, and anxiety. The feeling of nausea provokes one to regurgitate the ingested contents.
Early Satiety: Satiety is the satisfactory feeling after consuming food. However, early satiety refers to a feeling of a 'full' stomach even after having your food in less quantity which, thus, occurs due to acid indigestion.
Abdominal Distention: Abdominal distention or swelling in the abdomen is a symptom of acid indigestion, caused by excess production of gases. This may occur due to physical, and mental inability to cope with tension, and work pressure. Abdominal distention also develops due to acid reaction toward oily, or spicy junk food.
Vomiting: Chronic acid indigestion problem leads to vomiting. Some factors, like, irregular eating habits, skipping breakfast, addiction to alcoholic drinks, smoking in excess, and stress may create too much gas in our stomach, which leads to vomiting.
Chest Pain: Chest pain is usually caused due to acid reflux in which the acid regurgitate to the esophagus. The pain may subside in few minutes or may get more intense. Many people mistake this chest pain for heart attack. But any type of chest pain should not be avoided.
Bitter Taste in Mouth: Acid from the stomach sometimes make its way to the throat and mouth which leaves a bitter or acidic taste in your mouth.

Consult your doctor in case of...

Traces of blood in stools;
Upper right abdomen feeling sore;
Regurgitation with traces of blood;
Difficulty in breathing;
Breaking into a cold sweat;
Tingling sensation in your arm.

Your Inputs to Curb Acid Indigestion

  • Relaxation techniques, such as, pranayama, meditation, and listening to music help calm the kerfuffle of the mind, and soul.
  • Revamp your lifestyle. If stress deluges your system, draining pent-up emotions, and anxieties with friends and family is a proven cathartic process. Sprucing your spirits brimming with positivity, does a good turn toward your health.
  • Fast foods, no doubt, are quick to get and a real treat for your taste buds. Their agile home deliveries - as a bonus - also offer a sumptuous shot of calories! Slurping fast foods daily which are actually high on fat, defeat the purpose of healthy foods. Feasting on fries, once in a blue moon, surely, won't hurt!
  • Motivate yourself to go for a run, even when your moods are a tad under the weather. Exercising well, improves digestion, barricading the dreaded heartburn.
  • Drink sufficient water. Don't grunge your system with aerated drinks. Ironically called soft drinks, they, however, don't prove soft on your system.
  • Avoid lying down after meals. Take a stroll, watch your greens, or undo your fatigue with your pet; avoid hitting the sac for 30 minutes post your meals.
  • If you slouch, or have a faulty posture, make conscious efforts to get it right. If you slouch while seated, you, inadvertently, are increasing the pressure on your stomach, resulting in acid indigestion.
  • Eat well, eat slow. You are not waging a war, are you? Then why eat with such vengeance? Have mercy on your digestive tract, and bother to tone down your pace.
  • Jug yourself if you are prone to laying your hands on the bar too often. Consuming alcohol, with a hold on your senses, prevents inflammation of your stomach's lining.
  • A home remedy that works: Ground cardamom seeds blended with ginger, or a tablespoon of cinnamon water, taken after the meal, considerably helps in coping with acid indigestion.
  • Quit smoking! ... (Sadly, there is enough said, than done!)
  • A maxim that wins the bait: Follow a healthy diet. (Roughage needs a special mention.)
  • A good eight-hour sleep is what your system needs in order to function smoothly. Being sleep deprived plays havoc with your system.
Trusting that you are now aware of what you must, and what you mustn't do to avert the acid indigestion, in addition to the symptoms spelled clearly, there should be no impediments for improvement. However, if symptoms continue to prove their potency, don't hesitate to contact your healthcare guide for assistance.
Disclaimer: The post published herein, is meant to accomplish pedagogical purposes only. The information, by no means, intends to supplant the diagnostic understanding imparted by the medical practitioner. Prescriptive advice, we believe, is best imparted at the Doctor's desk.