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Acid Reflux and Burping

Mukta Gaikwad
Acid reflux and burping, causes heartburn, leaves an acidic taste in the mouth, and prevents you from enjoying culinary delights. Read on to know what are the causes and treatment for this condition.
Acid reflux is also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or acid reflux disease or simply GERD. In this condition, the liquid content from the stomach regurgitates or refluxes into the esophagus. This liquid, contains hydrochloric acid and pepsin, produced by the stomach. As the acid is moved up to the throat, it causes heartburn.

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Thus, mistakenly, this condition is also known as heartburn too. As the liquid moves up the esophagus, it leads to burping which is experienced by each and everybody, at sometime or the other.

Causes of Acid Reflux

Weak Lower Esophageal Sphincter

There are many causes for acidity. Also, these causes differ from person to person. However, the main cause of acid reflux is a dysfunctional, lower esophageal sphincter or LES. An esophageal sphincter, is a strong rim, which pushes the swallowed food into the stomach. It contracts tightly to push the food inside, which prevents it from regurgitating.
However, when this esophageal sphincter is weak, it leads to acidity and burping. A weak esophageal sphincter, relaxes and does not push the food in. This allows the food to reflux in the throat and also makes you burp. As the refluxed liquid contains acid, it leaves an acidic taste in mouth and causes heartburn.

Hiatal Hernia

Another cause for burping is hiatal hernia. This is a medical condition, that is caused by movement of upper part of stomach into the chest, which happens due to a tiny opening in the diaphragm. Excessive coughing, vomiting, straining, sudden physical exertion, pregnancy, and obesity are some of the reasons for hiatal hernia.


The logic behind, asthma causing acidity, is that severe coughing causes changes in the chest, which can lead to this condition. Some medicines and drugs, taken to soothe the asthma attack, may relax the lower esophageal sphincter, which can sometimes be the underlying cause of acid reflux.


Pregnancy is another major reason for acidity in expecting mothers. As the baby grows in the stomach, it presses the stomach, which leads to reflux of contents in the stomach. The best remedy for acid reflux during pregnancy is to eat less every meal, so that the pressure on the stomach is reduced. However, to satisfy your hunger, eat more number of meals.

Lifestyle Changes

Smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, overeating, stress, unhealthy diet, high intake of salt, and fatty foods, are some of the reasons for acid reflux. Having a large meal in one go, and consumption of excess caffeine or any other stimulants, can also cause acidity. Thus, cut down the size of your meal and avoid any sort of addictions to aforementioned items to prevent repercussions of acidity and heartburn.
Wearing ill fitting clothes, especially, the ones that are tight around the abdomen, can force the food up, thus, avoid wearing tight clothes. The simplest way of preventing acid reflux is having smaller meals at regular intervals. Our body works with a set of rules and regulations, so, try not to break it, to help it to function properly!