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Acidic Stomach- Causes and Treatment

Puja Lalwani
An acidic stomach is a condition faced by many, due to a stressful and irregular lifestyle pattern. The following story tells you how to identify an acidic stomach, and provides a few treatment options.
An acidic stomach, also known as the acid reflux disease, is a condition that is caused due to the excess secretion of acids, which are required to digest certain foods. Stress plays an important role in triggering this condition. This is because stress manifests itself in the body, and leads to an imbalance in the physical aspects of the body. This further leads to an acidic stomach.
» Unhealthy eating habits
» Obesity
» Pregnancy
» Drinking alcohol or carbonated drinks
» Taking certain medications like ibuprofen, aspirin, muscle relaxing medications, or blood pressure medications

» Heartburn

Acidity will immediately cause one to experience heartburn, characterized by burning and slight pain in the chest. This not only affects the esophagus, but also the throat, where you may feel discomfort.

» Inflammation in Stomach

The burning sensation also occurs in the stomach. One may experience a very strong burning sensation which may also lead to severe abdominal pain.

» Sour Burps

A person who has an acidic stomach may experience a stomach upset, which may cause gas, bloating, cramps, and sour burps. The sour burps can also manifest into the presence of a sour taste in the mouth, that can be quite unsettling.
This is because the acid from the stomach, which is in excess, tries to make its way up the esophagus. This may lead to nausea, where one may or may not vomit, depending on its intensity. The nausea may be accompanied by a loss of appetite.
» There are certain foods to avoid when you experience acidity. Identifying these foods, and reducing or eliminating their intake will help control this problem. This includes deep-fried foods, foods rich in fats and sugars, foods with acids in them, such as citrus fruits, and yogurt.
» Also, several people experience an acidic stomach due to the intake of caffeine. Thus, the intake of products rich in caffeine, such as tea, coffee, chocolate, and sodas should be reduced.
» Following a simple diet will make a huge difference to the burning sensations, and other symptoms experienced due to this problem. Alcohol, particularly beer, is another culprit that causes this problem, and should be avoided. Different foods have a different effect on every body.
There are foods that have generally been found to have a negative effect on an acidic stomach. You may be able to identify foods that cause this problem, by being on the lookout for this condition after their intake. These foods may vary from person to person.
» To prevent this condition, reduce the duration of gaps between each meal, by having frequent smaller meals. This helps the stomach to maintain the levels of acids produced in the process of digestion.
» Include foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates, since they absorb the excess acids. However, do not overeat, as this again may cause an acidic stomach, and reverse the effect.
» Do not lie down or sleep immediately after a meal. Some time is required for the digestion process to be carried out properly. Ensure that you take a short walk after every meal, even if it is at home, and wait for at least an hour before you lie down. Try also not to slump on the sofa, as this is just as bad as lying down after a meal.
» Many people assume that drinking cold milk solves the problem of a burning stomach. However, this does not hold true. When milk enters the stomach, the secretion of stomach acids increases. It may be a temporary solution, but does more harm than good. The idea is to have a light dinner, so as to avoid this problem at night, and avoid late night snacks at all costs.
» Sleep at an incline, that is, prop yourself up on a couple of pillows so that your chest is elevated.
» Drink a glass of water with 1 tsp. baking soda mixed in it, in order to treat this condition. It is a neutral substance that works as an antacid.
» You may also use antacids to combat this problem. However, do not consume them in excess. They may cause the stomach acids to deplete over time, resulting in similar problems.
» Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, that help the enzymes in the stomach to digest tough foods. This means, that the secretion of acid will be lesser.
» Other natural treatments for this condition include drinking coconut water, chewing fennel seeds, and consuming two to three tsp. of gooseberry powder with water, thrice a day.
If you still find yourself facing any of the symptoms of an acidic stomach, despite trying all these remedies, you should consult a physician immediately. He will conduct tests to identify the real cause of this condition. Many a time, this condition may be a symptom of another health problem, which should addressed and treated as early as possible.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and does not, in any way, intend to replace the advice of a medical expert.