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Age Spots on Legs

Age spots on legs can develop due to different reasons. They are not harmful, but might make you look unattractive. This story shall help you with some remedies for the same.
Mamta Mule
Age spots can make your skin look unattractive and damaged if they occur on a large area. They are usually flat, and can be black or brown in color. They can be small or large in size. There might be a single age spot, or a number of them present all over your skin. The main cause is overexposure to sun.
The harmful sunrays are known to damage your skin, leading to darkened spots. These spots can also be caused due to aging or blood clotting. Hence, they are common in people above the age of 40 years. Also, youngsters who are overexposed to the sun may also be prone to these. Let's take a look at a few remedies to this skin problem.
Ways To Remove Age Spots
  • Use of garlic is the best way to fade age spots on legs. It helps the outer layer of skin to dry and shed. You must apply fresh garlic directly on the affected area everyday. This will help reduce brown spots.
  • Apply vitamin E oil on the skin regularly, to get rid of spots. You can also apply almond oil that contains vitamin E.
  • Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent. Applying it regularly will help you get rid of these spots.
  • Apple cider vinegar is known to cure many skin problems. Applying it regularly will help promote new skin growth, in turn getting rid of the age spots.
  • You can mix equal parts of vinegar and onion juice, and apply this solution on the affected area of the skin. Apply twice a day, till you notice the results.
  • Aloe vera juice, freshly removed from the leaves, or that in bottled form, can be used to treat age spots. It is cool, and has healing properties that soothe the skin and reduce signs of aging. Apply and rub in thoroughly on the affected areas twice a day.
  • Using Castor oil is another good treatment option. Rub it thoroughly over the spots once in a day, to have a plain complexion.

Other Treatment Options

Other than the aforementioned home remedies, you can opt for a bleaching cream to remove age spots. It will help fade them away. You must preferably use a bleach containing the chemical hydroquinone, which will be effective. You can also opt for cosmetic surgeries like dermabrasion, chemical skin peel, or laser treatment for this matter.
However, you can choose these expensive methods only if the spots are in a huge number, or very large in size.
With each of the above methods, you will start noticing improvements in a month after regular use. If you do not notice any improvement, you must consult a dermatologist. He will be able to determine whether these spots are age spots or something else. He will prescribe you proper medications and topical gels to give right treatment.
Also, you can discuss other options of treatment, as mentioned above, with your dermatologist. It is best to add good quality sunscreen lotion in your skin care routine. Avoiding exposure to sun is the best way to stay away from spots. They may not be harmful, but they definitely lessen the beauty of your legs.