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Armpit Rash Causes

Kundan Pandey
Armpit rash causes may vary from infection to lack of proper care. Here is some information about the same.
The underarm area is a very sensitive body part and requires special care, especially if our skin is sensitive to shaving creams, deodorants, and perfumes. Many people experience itchy skin, pain, and skin color change under arms, and these problems may often aggravate to itchy armpit rashes. Understandably frustrating, severe forms of armpit skin disorder can cause discomfort in wearing clothes.
An armpit rash can be caused by various reasons that may include allergies, excessive sweating, wearing synthetic clothes, and microorganism infections. In fact, it's quite difficult to diagnose and get to the root cause of this infection. That's why, it's advisable to visit a dermatologist so that the causes can be identified at the earliest. Some of them are given below.
Use of Chemicals
Deodorants and perfumes have become an integral part of our lifestyle. While their fragrance is refreshing, they can problems if these deodorants are sensitive to the skin. So, in case you have been encountering problems of spots or marks on the skin, check if you have developed irritation or uneasiness in that area after applying deodorants or body sprays.
If that happens to be the case, then immediately stop using the deodorant or perfume you have been using. People whose skin is sensitive to chemical ingredients may develop skin irritation after applying antiperspirants or deodorants.
Chemical ingredients in body sprays may contain chemicals like talc, silica, Propylene glycol, aluminum and triclosan, etc., which are known to cause skin irritation. Hence, be very cautious in choosing a deodorant brand that suits your skin. Similarly, one of the other causes is using detergents and soaps to wash clothes that may interfere with skin health.
Many detergents contain chemicals that can cause skin allergies if you wear clothes washed in such washing powders. Owing to tenderness of this part of the body, harmful chemicals in any of the body sprays or similar chemical-containing products are absorbed directly.
Excessive usage of body sprays have also been said to cause dark coloration in this part in many people. Using natural deodorant and aluminum-free deodorant is always preferable.
Tight Synthetic Clothing
It is one of the prominent reason for skin problems. Majority of people develop such problems due to wearing very tight clothes, especially in the joint area around armpits. The quality of clothing, for instance, synthetic fibers can also cause allergies in some people.
Underarm spots that occur due to clothing material or due to wearing very tight clothes appears red, inflamed, and can be a cause of discomfort.
Moreover, sweating due to tight clothes can also lead to skin discomfort, aggravating the condition. It's healthy to wear cotton clothing, as it helps in keeping underarm skin area dry and cool. Wearing loose clothes may also help.
Poor Hygiene
Believe it or not, poor hygiene can lead to this problem. Excessive sweating can cause skin infections. Since this area is very less exposed to proper amount of air, sweat can be a thriving place for bacterial infection. Regular washing, using anti-bacterial soaps, and keeping the underarm area clean is a very healthy habit.
Due to poor hygiene, firstly, the skin on the underarms will show symptoms of inflammation, bad odor, and eventually, it may develop into underarm redness. Maintaining personal hygiene is necessary to avoid skin problems.
Microorganism Infections
As stated above, bacterial infection is a possibility due to poor hygiene. Similarly, fungal infection is also one of the main reasons. The infection due to ringworm that occurs on the skin under the arms is known as armpit fungus infection, and it leads to itching and burning of the under arm area.
Thick underarm hair, poor cleaning habit, excessive sweating, etc., can lead to itching, burning, and skin irritation under arm pits.
Use of Razors
Every skin responds differently to shaving. Since underarm area is very delicate, hard shaving or shaving with an infected razor may cause this condition. People who develop underarms skin discomfort after underarm shaving must stop using razors for shaving.
Nowadays, hair removal methods, like waxing or laser have become better alternatives for people. So, an individual can opt for such measures instead of shaving.
Medical Conditions
There are some medical conditions that also can be a reason for such raw skin. They include:
  • Folliculitis: Friction between underarm skin area and clothing along with sweating can lead to an infection of hair follicles, known as folliculitis. In this infection, redness develops along with small pimples.
  • Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis): One of the cause can be hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating under the arms. Due to excessive sweating, infection may occur under arms leading to skin inflammation.
Dermatitis Rash: Dermatitis is used to refer to a wide range of skin disorders. It can occur under the arms owing to infections and can be a cause of severe discomfort.


Now that you know what causes these rashes, knowing some treatment methods can be extremely beneficial.
  • If the condition occurs due to constant shaving, stop shaving for a few days and let the area heal. Once it heals, apply natural remedies, like tea tree oil, aloe vera, and various vitamin E lotions.
  • Use ice on the affected area to provide relief from itching.
  • Avoid wearing very tight clothes.
  • If you think it is due to excessive sweating, then, consult a dermatologist so that you can eliminate the problem.
  • Include vitamin C in your diet so that you can boost your immune system and reduce risk of skin infection.
  • Avoid activities that lead to excessive sweating if that is the reason.

To effectively control the condition, you have got to ensure that you're able to eliminate numerous causes, as only then the root cause of the problem will be removed.
Obesity and moist/humid climate are also some of the risk factors of developing spots under the arms. Visiting a dermatologist is always advisable, as he/she can guide you effectively for the treatment.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.