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Armpit Soreness

Pragya T
Armpit soreness can cause mild to severe discomfort to a person. The condition should not be ignored, as it can be a sign pointing to a serious health condition. Let us look at the causes and treatment for this condition.
Armpit soreness can occur due to various reasons like viral, bacterial or fungal infections. However, soreness or lumps in the armpit region can be pointing to serious health conditions. So, it is imperative that you consult your family doctor, and get your armpit condition diagnosed properly.


Bacterial Infection: Bacterial infection affecting arm or breast can cause soreness or painful lump in armpit. Other bacterial infections which can cause the soreness are cat scratch disease, ascending lymphangitis and lymphadenitis. Lymphangitis, and lymphadenitis are conditions where a person gets inflammation of a lymph vessel.
Muscle Strain: There are many converging muscles in the armpit region. Many physical activities like playing basketball, tennis, baseball, etc., can cause strain of muscles in or around armpit region, which might lead to soreness.
Cancer: Cancer like Hodgkin's lymphoma (cancer of lymph tissue), leukemia and Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (cancer of lymphoid tissue) can cause armpit soreness or lumps.
Fungal Diseases: The skin disorder which causes armpit soreness is sporotrichosis. In this disease, there is a long-term skin infection, due to a particular fungus.
Vaccinations: Many times, allergic reactions mostly due to sulfa drugs, penicillin or iodine can cause armpit soreness. Rarely, vaccination of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine can cause armpit lumps. Other vaccines which can lead to the soreness are smallpox vaccination and typhoid vaccine.
Viral Disorders: Viral infection of AIDS, chickenpox, shingles or infectious diseases like mononucleosis (a viral infection that causes fever, sore throat, and swollen lymph glands) can also cause armpit lumps, which can lead to soreness.
Exercise: One might get soreness in the armpit region due to pull-ups. Pull-ups are commonly performed exercises which target the arms, back and shoulder muscles. However, if one is not doing pull-ups with the right form, then it is possible to get soreness due to muscle strain.
Other Causes: Some other causes include lipomas (harmless fatty growths) and normal breast tissue which extends to the armpit area.


This condition can occur due to many reasons, so it is best that you consult your doctor and get the reason for your armpit soreness diagnosed. Because, home care or medical care depends on the cause of the armpit condition. The doctor will perform a physical checkup of your armpit, and recommend certain tests to diagnose the condition.
Before visiting the doctor, you can make a list of other symptoms which you are experiencing along with the armpit soreness. Also, make a list of the medications you are presently on, and inform your doctor if you have recently changed them. If you are breast-feeding, your doctor might ask you questions about the same and inquire about the soreness. He will also try to find out if the condition has become better or worse.
However, you can follow the mentioned below measure to prevent further aggravating your condition.
  • Keep the armpit area clean by washing it with mild soap and water.
  • After washing the area dry it well using a soft towel.
  • Wash your armpit area twice a day.
  • Avoid using any products on the armpit area like deodorants.
  • In case the armpit region gets infected, avoid touching it.
  • Also, wear light and airy clothes.
So, now that you know the causes for armpit soreness can be many, get a doctor's appointment. The doctor will be able to diagnose the reason behind the soreness and recommend the appropriate treatment.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.