Following a well-designed diet plan is an essential part of arthritis treatment.
Arthritis is one of the most common medical conditions seen in America. Around 46 million people have been affected by this condition. It is a disease that causes inflammation in the joints. It can be caused due to various factors such as a previous injury, obesity, or an individual's genetic structure.
Chronic inflammatory arthritis leads to severe pain, deformity, and restricted movement of the affected joints. It is an autoimmune disease, wherein the immune system attacks its own tissues.
Various types of arthritis are gout, rheumatoid, psoriatic, and septic arthritis. List of foods to eat, or avoid, varies according to the type. Certain foods are also known to help relieve the symptoms.
Foods to Eat
Diet plays a very important role in improving the condition of a patient affected by arthritis. The diet should be healthy and well-balanced. It should include a variety of fruits, vegetables, meat, grains, nuts, and seeds.
It is also important that the patients maintain a healthy weight. Increased weight increases the stress on the joints, thus worsening the problem. Therefore, oily and processed foods should be avoided at all costs. Here is a list of foods that can be safely consumed by arthritics.
Patients affected by arthritis should eat a lot of fruits, since flavonoids in the fruits help reduce the pain and inflammation. They are rich in antioxidants which help strengthen the immune system, and thus help in healing the frayed joints. Those diagnosed with this condition should incorporate fruits rich in vitamin C in their diet.
Vegetables are also packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Vegetables high in beta carotene and vitamin C, can be especially beneficial for arthritics.
Unsalted nuts and seeds are rich in Omega-3 essential fatty acids and vitamin E. They are an essential part of the diet planned for arthritics. These foods serve as natural remedies for the condition. Some of these foods also act as detoxifying agents.
Other than the above mentioned foods, patients affected by arthritis need to eat foods which exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. These include:
» Apples » Ginger » Garlic » Wheat grass products » Avocado oil » Extra virgin olive oil » Green tea
Foods to Avoid
Those who have gout need to avoid foods containing purine. Foods to be avoided by arthritis patients include:
» Organ meat » Processed meat (high in phosphorus) » Sugar (responsible for poor absorption of nutrients) » Soft drinks (contain high amount of phosphoric acid) » Caffeine (enhances the rate of loss of minerals and nutrients)
» Fried items and oily foods (worsen the situation) » Antacids (leads to poor absorption of calcium) » Red meat » Red flesh fish » Margarine (high in bad fat)
A Few Tips...
Studies show that a proper arthritis diet plan helps lower the symptoms of inflammatory arthritis significantly. Here are a few tips to follow the diet.
» One must make sure that they eat a lot of fruits. Fruits are very rich in minerals like calcium and magnesium. They are required for healthy bones and bone matrix structure.
» Boron and manganese promote absorption of calcium. Zinc, copper, selenium, and beta-carotene (vitamin A) rich foods work great for arthritis. » The omega 6 essential fatty acids and omega 3 essential fatty acids should be consumed in proper proportion. » Eating organic foods is the best way of gaining all the essential nutrients from the foods consumed.
» For those diagnosed with arthritis, use of nutritional supplements can prove to be beneficial; but only after consulting a doctor. » Overweight patients need to follow a proper weight loss diet, after consulting a physician.
Following a proper diet will improve the condition significantly. Apart from consuming the recommended foods, one should also exercise regularly to manage the symptoms of arthritis.