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Foods Arthritics Should Avoid

Leena Palande
Arthritis symptoms like joint pain and discomfort can be reduced with the help of a balanced diet. Those diagnosed with arthritis need to avoid certain foods that can worsen the condition. Read through this story as it provides lists of foods to be avoided by arthritic patients. Tap through to know how to manage arthritis with diet....
A balanced and healthy diet is an invariable part of arthritis treatment. Arthritis severely affects inter-vertebral discs and bones and leads to joint pain, deformation of joints and restricted movement of the affected joints. Arthritis diet significantly helps reduce inflammation and pain in the affected joint.
There exist over 100 different types of arthritis. Inflammatory arthritis indicates different conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, etc. Arthritis is an autoimmune disease as the immune system itself attacks and destroys the tissues in the joints.
Arthritic patients need to avoid some foods that can trigger joint pain and can aggravate the symptoms considerably.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease which causes erosion of joint tissues. It gradually destroys the lining of the joints which leads to deformity of joints, impaired movement and pain. Those diagnosed with arthritis need to keep their weight within the normal range for their height, as weight gain results in increased pressure on joints.
Animal products like bacon, and dairy products like butter and cream that are rich in saturated fat lead to increased production of prostaglandins, the chemicals that are responsible for dysfunction of joints, inflammation, pain and swelling. Arachidonic acid present in meats is eventually converted to prostaglandins.
For some patients, vegetarian diet may help lower the symptoms of arthritis but for some, it may not. Omega-6 fatty acids, present in vegetable oils can also increase inflammation in the joints by promoting the production of prostaglandins. The list of foods to be avoided by arthritics may vary from patient to patient.
In general, those diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis should avoid:
  • Fried and grilled foods, high calorie foods
  • Processed foods, foods that contain preservatives and additives
  • Caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee
  • Refined sugars, refined wheat
  • Citrus fruits like lemon, lime, orange and berries
  • All pasteurized dairy products
  • Alcohol, tobacco
  • Excessive salt and sugar
  • Saturated fats and cooking mediums
  • Firmer margarine high in saturated fats
  • Corn oil and safflower oil that are high in omega-6 fatty acids
  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG) or hydrolyzed vegetable protein
  • Red meat as it is high in saturated fat

Gouty Arthritis

Gout is another type of arthritis, a systemic disease, symbolized by high level of uric acid in the bloodstream. Majority of gout patients experience acute attacks of gout in feet which may last for 1 - 3 days. Dietary alterations involve avoiding purine rich foods. A properly designed gout diet can help reduce the symptoms of hyperuricemia.
Foods to avoid in gouty arthritis diet are:
  • All alcoholic drinks including beers and wines
  • Tobacco
  • High fat dairy products and other foods
  • Foods sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup
  • Simple or refined carbohydrates like those obtained from white bread, cakes and candies
  • Hearts, livers, kidneys, mutton, bacon, goose, grouse, veal, turkey, partridge, pheasant, etc.
  • Herring, smelt, sardines, salmon, trout, haddock, anchovies, etc.
  • Mussels, scallops, yeast, sweetbreads
  • Chocolate, table salt, soft drinks, mushrooms, black tea, commercial vinegar, artificial sweeteners
  • Kidney beans, lima beans, peas, asparagus, etc.

Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis affects skin as well as joints, therefore psoriatic arthritis diet needs to be carefully designed.
 Patients may avoid the following foods while designing the diet.
  • Common food allergens like eggs, milk and milk products, citrus fruits, corn, and soy products
  • Soft drinks
  • Foods high in cholesterol and saturated fats
  • Foods high in sugar and salt
  • Alcohol, caffeine, black tea and tobacco
  • High protein foods
  • Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers, etc. which belong to Solanaceae family of plants
  • Foods rich in biotin and vitamin C
  • Ginseng
  • Refined foods
  • Food additives
  • Purine rich foods


Degeneration of cartilage eventually leads to joint pain and deformation of joints. The wear and tear of joints during the process of aging results in osteoarthritis. Swelling, joint pain and stiffness of the joints are the main symptoms of osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis foods to avoid are:
  • Foods rich in saturated fats such as fatty fish, meat and eggs
  • Fried foods
  • Foods containing partially hydrogenated trans fats, for example, margarine, fries, baked foods
  • White flour, white rice and pasta
  • White sugar, raw sugar
  • Processed foods, ready to eat prepackaged snacks, fast food
  • Alcohol, caffeine, tobacco
  • Corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, soy-based oils
Remember, foods that cause allergic reactions should be avoided if you are suffering from any type of arthritis. Arthritic patients should watch the symptoms carefully. Foods that aggravate the symptoms of arthritis should be strictly avoided.
It has been noticed that milk products, wheat products, acidic foods and alcoholic drinks aggravate the symptoms of arthritis. Instead of wheat bread, a light rye bread or oat-based cereals can be included in daily diet.
Consumption of high fat dairy products and meat rich in saturated fat lead to increased deposition of fat. This can result in clogging up of the blood vessels in the body. Therefore these should be avoided. Arthritis, being a chronic disease, arthritis diet plays a crucial role in arthritis treatment.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.