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Ascites Symptoms

Ascites is the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen. Read on to know all about the various ascites symptoms one needs to identify so as to diagnose this condition.
Dr. Sumaiya Khan
Ascites is a condition where there is accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. This fluid is normally clear, pale, or slightly straw-colored in nature. The abdominal/peritoneal cavity is located just below the chest cavity. These two cavities are separated by the diaphragm.
This kind of accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity can occur due to many systemic diseases and disorders. One of the most common causes is liver disease or liver cirrhosis. This mostly occurs as a result of an increase in the pressure of liver blood flow, which is known as portal hypertension.
This kind of accumulation of fluid is similar to edema. Sometimes, it may also occur due to salt and water retention, congestive heart failure, kidney failure, peritoneal inflammation, etc.


In the initial stages, there may be a possibility that there are no signs. This is so because when there is only slight accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, there are normally no systemic changes seen, and hence, the patient will not report to the doctor at this stage.
However, after sometime, when the fluid accumulation reaches such a stage that there are visible signs or the patient feels discomfort, only then does he visit the doctor to get the condition diagnosed. Given below are the various signs one needs to lookout for:

Abdominal Ascites

When there is accumulation of only about 100-400 ml of fluid in the abdominal cavity, it is generally said to be a case of mild ascites. The signs include slight abdominal pain and discomfort. However, when there is accumulation of more than 500 ml of fluid, then there is abdominal pain and bloating seen.
In fact, one of the main abdominal bloating causes is ascites. When it is severe, the patient normally complains of abdominal distension and abdominal heaviness. In fact, often the large abdominal distension is a common physical concern for patients, and this is often the main factor that prompts patients into going to the doctor.
On percussion of the abdomen, there is shifting dullness, and a fluid wave or fluid thrill is seen on tapping one side of the abdomen. A fluid wave means, a wave like effect is seen on the skin of the abdomen when the side of the patient is tapped, as there is movement of fluid in the cavity.

Other Symptoms

Sometimes, if the swelling is so large that the fluid impinges on the diaphragm, the person may feel shortness of breath, as the pressure on the diaphragm hinders its normal functioning. At times, the fluid may even pass the diaphragm and surround the lungs, leading to pleural effusion.
Other symptoms include easy bruising, gynecomastia, mental confusion, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, etc. If the person has ascites due to bacterial inflammation of the peritoneal cavity lining, then there may also be systemic symptoms, like fever, fatigue, weight loss, etc.
One of the rarer type of ascites is chylous ascites, where one of the main indications is accumulation of milky white fluid in intraperitoneal area, as it occurs due to obstruction of the drainage of abdominal lymph glands.
Thus, ascites, though in itself, is not an actual disease but is merely a symptom that could indicate a major underlying disease or condition, it is important to try to identify it at the earliest, so as to treat the underlying disease, and prevent any further systemic complications.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.