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Causes of Back Spasms

Mamta Mule
Find out about the various causes of back spasms. Try the simple remedies mentioned here to get relief from back spasms.
Involuntary and painful contraction of a muscle leads to muscle spasm. It can be caused due to a number of reasons. If left untreated, they can have extremely serious consequences. A person might experience sudden muscle pain in the lower back, while twisting, pulling or stretching. It might become impossible to continue the movements for some time.
After two to three hours, stretching of the torn muscles and tendons can cause bleeding in muscles and lead to severe lower back pain which worsens with back movements. Remember that sudden, severe pain and palpable tension in the back muscles are common symptoms of back spasms. So, what causes back spasms? Let us learn more about muscle spasms in the back.

What Causes Back Muscle Spasms?

Though, back spasm can be a result of various activities and lifestyle problems. Here are some of its common causes:


Muscle injuries commonly cause back spasms. Muscle injury can be a result of single traumatic accident or muscle overuse (chronic muscular exertion).
Repeated movements of spine, like those while playing baseball, cricket, tennis, squash, handball or golf, can cause overuse of same set of muscles and joints and eventually lead to injury or inflammation of these muscles.
This is also very commonly experienced by people having weak lower back muscles.


Muscle spasms in back occur when a muscle is inflamed or strained. Any sort of force can lead to tearing of muscles and tendons of your lower back.
A force is possible while an individual is playing sports like football, basketball, weightlifting, baseball or golf. Sudden pushing or pulling, or sudden twisting of lower back is very common during such sports.


Exercise is another cause of back spasms. Doing strenuous exercises can lead to back spasm. Exercises that include lifting weights can strain your muscles, if not performed in the right way. Exercising much than suitable can also lead to this problem.

Wrong Posture

Overstraining is a common cause of back spasm. This can happen while performing household activities or physical exercises. Lifting very heavy objects in a wrong way, may overexert the back muscles, which are not prepared for this movement.
Bending the knees is very essential, while you lift heavy objects from the floor. Keeping wrong posture while you stand, sit or sleep can eventually lead to back problems.

Nutritional Deficiency

Deficiency of mineral nutrients, particularly calcium and potassium, can result into low electrolyte levels in your body, leading to muscle spasms. Deficiency of salts can also cause muscle spasms.

Other Causes

Serious nervous system conditions can be another cause of back spasm. If you experience sharp and extremely painful muscle spasms in your neck or back, you must consult an orthopedic doctor as soon as possible.
This condition can be a symptom of ruptured or bulging disc in your spine, which, if left untreated can lead to serious consequences. Back spasm can also be an indication of underlying health conditions like muscle fatigue or damaged nerves.

Treatment for Back Muscle Spasms

Do not take a prolonged bed rest, as this can make your muscles weak and stiff, further leading to painful conditions. Move around for pain relief. Once the back pain is in control, do exercises to rebuild the muscular strength and improve the range of motion.
Consult your doctor to know which back exercises are suitable for you. Take precautions so that you do not re-injure the same muscles. A supportive back brace can be used while performing strenuous work. Maintain the right posture, all the time. Ice therapy is effective in reducing swelling and relieving pain.
If you are suffering from this condition, be careful while performing any sort of back movements. Sitting or lying in one position for long can lead to troubles later on in your life. People with sedentary lifestyles will benefit the most from regular exercises and can prevent problems like back or muscle pain from occurring.
Moreover, remember to avoid exertions in extreme hot conditions as it can result in heat cramps due to dehydration. By having a healthy and balanced diet with the right amount of nutrients and minerals, you can reduce the chances of back problems.