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Bed Bug Bites

This story provides some information on bed bug bites, its symptoms, and treatment that might prove beneficial.
Batul Nafisa Baxamusa
Bed bugs are tiny parasitic insects that can sneak up anywhere and infest one's home and office. They require blood to reproduce and they direct themselves towards warmth. They suck the blood from humans or animals to feed themselves. Usually, they feed themselves at night, when one is asleep.
People tend to get confused when they observe itchy, red, and raised bumps on their skin as they resemble mosquito bites. Therefore, one needs to know how to differentiate between a bed bug bite and a mosquito bite.


A typical mosquito bite would be felt instantly like a sting. One would feel the mosquito suck his/her blood and feel itchy immediately. However, in the case of a bed bug bite, one would not feel it for about one hour. The bed bug has an anesthetic saliva that contains anticoagulant and anesthetics that prevent the blood from clotting.
This rash that occurs as a result of the bite feels itchy after about an hour and in some cases after a few days or weeks. The appearance of rash depends on the response of the body to the chemicals secreted.
The next symptom associated with it are the red, small, and round bumpy rash on the skin. This rash is more swollen than mosquito bites. Furthermore, one would observe this itchy rash on their arms, shoulders, and legs in straight rows as opposed to the other insect bites. The bed bugs tend to move away with the slightest twitch of the person. They begin feeding again and that results in the bites present in a row.


They feed for about 3 to 15 minutes, sucking on the blood from the human flesh. They can bite almost anywhere on the body, that is, on the arms, legs, torso, neck, and face. However, their bites do not transmit any disease. The only complication that can arise is in the case where the person is sensitive to the bite. The saliva of the bed bug may cause an allergic reaction in the person's body.
The treatment for this condition involves alleviating the itchiness. One can apply calamine lotion to help the itching stop. One may also take Benadryl to help get some relief. If one develops some allergic reactions or infection due to the continuous itching, visit the doctor immediately and seek medical guidance for treating the same.


One cannot prevent being bitten by a bed bug, but he/she can prevent an infestation. One needs to wash their bed lines regularly in hot water. Vacuum the house properly. Vacuum not only the floor, but the mattresses, crevices in the bed frame, furniture, and wall.
One can cover their mattresses with a plastic cover and check whether there are bed bugs regularly. One can take help of pest control to get rid of them permanently. There are many insecticidal sprays available in the market that would help to get rid of them.
Although, one would not need any treatment for this condition normally, the red bumps on skin become very embarrassing. Furthermore, the bed bugs tend to leave a trail of black spots on the walls, bed sheets, furniture, etc., which is their fecal matter. To get rid of all such problems, one should take some action against them.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.