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Beetroot Juice for High Blood Pressure

Rutuja Jathar
The following story described in brief, the major benefits of drinking beetroot juice, especially how it helps to decrease high blood pressure.
High blood pressure is also called hypertension, and is a dangerous health condition that affects the normal functioning of the heart.
This may lead to several cardiovascular diseases. This condition needs proper medications, once it is diagnosed in a person. Several medications and several home remedies are suggested to people for lowering this ailment.
Consuming beetroot juice for this purpose is one of the best natural cures. Beet is one of the most popular vegetables used across the globe. The dark red roots are consumed in various forms like raw, boiled, sauteed, stewed, etc.

Benefits of Beetroot

This root is rich with betaine, an important factor regarding nutrition, which is extremely crucial for maintaining cardiovascular health. 
It fights with the naturally occurring harmful acids in the body that lead to heart diseases, strokes, heart attack, and peripheral vascular diseases. Betaine gets activated with help of several other nutrients like folic acid, S-adenosylmethionine, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, etc.
Beetroot juice helps in decreasing the process of fat deposition on the liver, which is caused due to several reasons like alcohol abuse or medical conditions like diabetes and protein deficiency. This vegetable is used to treat hypochlorhydria, which is a medical condition caused low stomach acid levels.
Consumed in either an original form or a liquid (i.e., juice), this vegetable used also use din the treatment several other health conditions including blood circulation disorders, several types of cancer, anemia, skin disorders like dry skin, dandruff, digestive disorders like diarrhea, colon cancer, and birth defects. However, the juice is most popularly advocated these days in a diet to reduce blood pressure levels.

Beetroot and High Blood Pressure

A study published in the American Heart Association's online journal 'Hypertension', mentioned that people with high blood pressure get tremendous benefits from special nitrate tablets.
It also advocated the results that were observed with the people who regularly consumed beetroot juice. Further researches proved that the natural nitrates that are found in beetroot are extremely beneficial for heart health and for reducing cardiovascular diseases.
The researchers gave nitrate capsules to some people and beetroot juice to some of the volunteers. The results that came up were quite fascinating. As small amount of 250 ml can also show positive effects.
This is the reason why consuming the vegetable in a liquid form is the newest, most popular, and a natural approach to treat dangerous conditions like high blood pressure.

Making Beetroot Juice at Home

The process of making this juice is pretty simple. All that you need to have are fresh beetroots and a juicer or blender. Firstly, wash the beetroot well, in order to remove soil and dirt off the beets. 
Then, peel them with a good knife or peeler. Cut them into medium-sized cubes, and blend them thoroughly with the juicer or blender. Now, strain the juice with a muslin cloth in a container, and then you can drink it.
Make sure you don't consume it with any artificial additives like sweeteners and/or other flavoring agents. Remember that 2 cups of beetroot juice contains 200 calories and 50 g carbohydrates, and hence, you need to manage the calorie intake with the rest of the diet on a daily basis. You can ideally consume one glass of this juice every morning, to get all the required benefits.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.