It may be an embarrassing situation for one to endure, when one fails to curb the burp. Belching and GERD are two interlinked troubles. Through this story, we will find the answers as to why belching takes place and what causes them.
Belching, also known as burping is a simple act of expelling air from the stomach, that makes its way out through the mouth. This is, indeed, a natural process. In some cultures, burping on the dinner table is considered impolite; whereas, it is a compulsive sign of appreciation in some other cultures.
However, when the burp is loud, clear, and audible to the person sitting in the corner of the room, it becomes a matter of great concern -- not to forget the embarrassment that one is put through.
The hide and seek that one plays with other members present at the gathering, remains a memorable event that one would prefer never to be reminded of! Belching or burping is a natural process of the body, and is caused due to certain factors.
Causes of Belching
Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia in medical nomenclature, is an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach after a meal. There is abdominal discomfort that makes you feel that you have had your meal in excess. Bloating after eating often occurs in adults. It may not cease to occur every day as well.
The condition is triggered by eating particular foods -- foods that do not suit you, foods that are too spicy, overeating, or eating in a hurry. The symptoms of indigestion include, belching, bloating, nausea, heartburn, and premature satiety.
If one wants to get rid of indigestion troubles, one has to control stress levels; eat well but eat right; stay away from greasy, fatty or spicy foods; and eat slowly. One needs to chew each morsel well to facilitate effective and efficient digestion.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a condition where the circular band of muscle situated at the bottom of the esophagus becomes weak and does not close properly.When muscles weaken in the esophagus, the stomach acids and bile can keep on accumulating in the esophagus.
The esophagus is a tract that transfers food and liquid from the mouth to the stomach. When the stomach acids and bile increase in the esophagus, belching occurs. The symptoms are difficulty in swallowing, heartburn, sore throat, and dry cough.
Medication that is prescribed by a health care professional, weight loss, and avoiding certain types of foods that elevate the condition of GERD, could help in controlling the symptoms of GERD.
Swallowing Air in Excess
A condition known as aerophagia in chronic cases, is swallowing too much air. This may seem extremely unnatural to you; however, swallowing air is not a difficult task. When you gulp food, drink your beverage too fast, or talk while you eat, it encourages you to ingest air in excess.
The air can accumulate and build up in the gastrointestinal tract. When you chew gum or smoke a cigarette, you ingest excessive amounts of air, which; thus, results in belching. Aerophagia occurs normally while eating and drinking; however, some people are in the habit of swallowing air, especially, when they are anxious, or are totally stressed.
Peptic Ulcers
Peptic ulcers are sores in the upper small intestines, or lining of the stomach. These ulcers occur from acid and pepsin -- a digestive stomach enzyme. Acids are helpful for digestion; but, when they are present in excess, they may cause damage to the walls of the stomach.
Symptoms of peptic ulcer disease include nausea, heartburn, indigestion, abdominal pain, gas, and belching. Peptic ulcers may worsen, if not treated. Belching occurs when digestion has not been carried out well.
How to Avoid Belching
☛ There should be a conscious effort from one's side to decrease the frequency of aerophagia.Aerophagia may also be due to excessive salivation. Salivation in excess is the result of chewing gum or smoking in excess. You must reduce the frequency of smoking.
If peptic ulcers have been bothering you, it is advisable that you get the condition checked so that the stomach lining is restored.
☛ It is essential to bear in mind that our digestive system demands from us to chew food. We are supposed to chew the food we eat and not gulp down the morsel in a jiffy. Eating in a hurry is your ticket to inviting belching and GERD. Small wonder, one experiences bloating after eating on a regular basis.
☛ You must compromise on your consumption of carbonated beverages, as they increase gas in your stomach followed by bloating and finally belching constantly.
☛ Those of you who thought beans to be the ace culprit for regurgitation, think again. Lactose intolerance could be one factor that ceases your system from digesting milk products. It is a condition in which certain sugars found in milk, and other dairy products cannot be broken down. One may feel extremely gassy, bloated and may also lose his/her appetite.
When GERD becomes a regular affair; it is a matter of concern.A lactose intolerance test would detect and sufficiently report your sensitivity toward lactose products.
☛ After eating, you could walk briskly for a while. This will make you feel better and will assist your digestive system to function well.
☛Maintain a good posture while eating.You cannot afford to slouch on the couch and have your meals. This will dither you from having a controlled and effective digestion which will further lead to indigestion, gas, and belching.
Bloating, indigestion, belching, and GERD leads to a lot of discomfort, sometimes accompanied with nausea and vomiting. Hope you take the nitty-gritty into account and make the most of it to aid you digest your morsels better!