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What is a BiPAP Mask?

Narayani Karthik
BiPAP masks are instruments used for combating breathing problems. As prescribed by the doctor, it can be availed from health stores and pharmacies. It is always better to avoid self-prescription, since it can be dangerous.
If you have heard about CPAP (Continuous Positive Air Pressure), you surely must be aware of its purpose too. People with severe nasal congestion and severe pulmonary malfunctioning often suffer from a ceased breathing, which in due course of time can leave the body deprived of the necessary oxygen it is entitled to.
In such sleep-deprived conditions, respiratory ventilation techniques, like CPAP were used to help people for continuous and normal breathing. It is an invention of the 1980s, and the breathing apparatus, known as BiPAP (Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure) evolved from the former. Today, people use BiPAP masks to combat breathing problems.

Vital Information

PAP (Positive Airway Pressure) is a respiratory ventilation technique, which is used for treating sleep disorders like sleep apnea (the main reason for emergence of PAP). It was first developed by Prof. Colin Sullivan, at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, in the year 1981. This was also used as a respiratory treatment for neonates and people suffering from congestive heart failure or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


  • This BiPAP machine contains a nasal mask, which may cover the area completely or partially.
  • The settings constitute of two pressure settings - EPAP (Exhalation Pressure) and IPAP (Inhalation Pressure).
  • The mask is extremely light weight and covers only the nasal area, and may or may not have a chin support.
  • A full face mask, however, covers most of the face (nose and mouth) with foam inserts. Besides, the entire apparatus also contains a heated and a non heated humidifier. So once the mask is fitted correctly, the machine provides positive pressure to the person, as he inhales.
  • The pressure is regulated during the inhalation and exhalation process (lowers pressure during exhalation). Hence, the pressure difference helps the person to inhale and exhale, without much energy loss. And the number of breaths per minute also gets recorded.


The mask operates in the following modes.
  • Spontaneous - In this mode, the IPAP is triggered, and pressure is exerted for inhalation of air, followed by the exhalation process.
  • Timed - In this mode, the entire process of inhalation and exhalation is machine triggered, i.e., breaths per minute (BPM) are recorded.
  • Spontaneous/Timed - sHere, the IPAP is triggered, depending on the effort put by the patient to inhale. But there is a backup rate set, which ensures that the BPM is always equal to or more than the minimum.


These masks have been effective alternatives to CPAP.
  • One of the popular masks is Headrest Nasal Seal, which is sans all the straps and facial covering. Hence, the patient is free from the discomforts like redness, chafing, and pressure sores, which otherwise are major shortcomings in most CPAP masks.
Hence, between BiPAP and CPAP, the former is more preferred. The entire mask touches only the nostrils and helps in regulating the air pressure levels during inhalation and exhalation efficiently, without causing any irritation to the facial tissue.
  • Another good quality and comfort offering mask is Bravo, which has an ergonomic design and comprises 3 nasal pillows. For people who are allergic to nasal masks, one of the best masks for them is aSleepWever Advance.
Reason being, this mask is latex and silicon free, and it does not stick to the face like other nasal masks. The fine inner cloth lining (also known as Zzzephyr seal) adds on to the comfort feel and fit of the mask.
  • And last but not the least, the Comfort Full 2 Full Face is an effective full face mask with a soft, dual layer cushioning. The dual flap cushion, which is a significant feature of this mask, has a soft polished surface on the outer layer. These are more durable and reliable.
People suffering from various respiratory ailments are benefited by using these masks. In fact, using them in sleep apnea treatment has proven to be quite effective. Using any nasal masks lead to certain side effects like headaches, dizziness, and a runny nose. Hence, before using them, do consult your doctor.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.