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Blisters in Nose

Chandramita Bora
The development of blisters in the nose can be a very annoying problem. These are usually caused by bacterial or viral infections. This write-up provides information on the causes and treatment of blisters that may develop inside the nose.
Blisters can develop in several parts of the body including the nose. The skin inside the nose is quite delicate, and that is the reason why blisters in the nose can cause a great deal of discomfort. These generally appear on the lower part of the nose, around the nostrils or inside the nose.
Such blisters can be quite painful at times. The patient usually feels a burning sensation at the infection site, which is followed by the eruption of sores, which can ooze once they become filled with pus.
Eventually, the oozing stops and a crusty surface forms over the blister till it heals completely. These blisters can be caused by various factors which are discussed here.


One of the common types of blisters that can affect the nose are fever blisters. Though mouth, lips and the areas around the lips are the most common places to get this type of blisters, they can sometimes appear inside the nose as well.

Cold sores

  • Also called fever blisters, cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus.
  • The moist environment inside the nose serves as an ideal atmosphere for the growth of this virus. The blisters that may form inside the nose can take much longer time to heal than those that appear in the mouth and lips.
  • The herpes simplex virus generally enters the body through the mouth and nose and then remains dormant in the nerve tissues for a long time.
  • An outbreak of cold sores can take place when the virus gets reactivated. The virus can get reactivated due to stress.


  • Impetigo, which is a bacterial infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes, can also cause blisters in nostrils and inside the nose.
  • Sometimes, bacteria can infect the hair follicles inside the nose. Hair follicle infection first causes red bumps to appear on the infected site, which then become fluid or pus-filled blisters. Once the blisters break and release the pus, a thick crust can be observed in the area.
  • Poor hygiene could also be a contributory factor. Many times staph infection may occur when bacteria pass from the fingertips to the nose.

Allergic Reaction

Occasionally blisters can develop as an allergic reaction to a particular substance. Such substances can be sometimes present in certain nasal sprays as well.


The treatment for the blisters can be determined only after the underlying cause has been ascertained.


If the sores are caused by a bacterial infection, then antibiotic ointments can be applied topically. Sometimes oral antibiotics may also be required, depending on the severity of the condition.
But if the blisters are caused by herpes simplex virus, then antibiotics would not be effective for their treatment. Such fever blisters or cold sores are usually treated with antiviral medications like acyclovir, famciclovir and valacyclovir. Topical antiviral ointments can also provide some relief.

Home Remedies

Mild cases of fever blisters can be treated with home remedies. Certain self-care measures will also help.
  • Placing ice on affected area will not only reduce pain, but also speed up healing process. Do not place the ice directly on the blister, wrap it in a towel before applying it on the nose.
  • Do not blow your nose hard, it will cause bleeding.
  • Many times, supplementation of lysine, vitamin C and zinc can prove helpful for treating painful blisters. Boost your immune system by eating healthy.
  • Blisters caused by staph bacteria are known to be contagious. Thus, the infected area should be kept clean with regular cleaning. Take appropriate measures to prevent its spread to other parts of the body.
Do consult a physician before applying or taking any medication for blisters in nose. Only a physician can ascertain the type of blister and the underlying cause. Also refrain from touching the blisters with unclean hands, or pulling the hair inside the nose with your fingertips.
Your fingertips can contain numerous bacteria and many other infectious agents, that can aggravate the condition, and also cause recurrences of nose blisters.
DISCLAIMER - This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.