Blisters are swollen areas on the surface of the skin that are filled with a clear fluid. They are usually caused by burns or constant rubbing of the skin. This story gives you a description on the symptoms, types, causes, and treatment for blisters on skin.
Blisters are described as the collection of fluid under the uppermost layer of the skin or epidermis. The fluid collection is mostly found trapped between two layers of skin. The size can range from a pinpoint to half an inch. The symptoms depend upon the reason behind its formation.
However, in majority of the cases, it is accompanied with pain, redness, or itching. In some cases, the blisters are painless, but are sensitive to pressure.
There are numerous types of blisters. The most common among them are blood, water, and fever blisters. The blood blisters are the ones that are full of blood and occur due to pinches, wounds, or repeated friction. They are dark in color and are comparatively more painful than others.
The water blisters are identified as the ones that contain water, but no blood or pus. Similarly, fever blisters are those which contain pus. They dry and crust over. They are different from other types as they do not appear as a result of a fresh infection or injury.
It is actually the result of infection caused by a virus that resides in the nerve cells of your body for years. The virus is called herpes simplex virus (HSV). Once it enters, it does not leave your body and stays in the nerve cells in its inactive form.
It gets charged up on the onset of the conditions favorable for its growth and reproduction. It multiplies in number, travels to the skin supplied by that particular nerve, and causes the formation of fever blisters. Cold sore is another term for a fever blister.
Some of the important causes of blisters are mentioned here.
Physical irritation of the skin caused by tight clothes and uncomfortable footwear.
Irritation of the skin caused by chemical irritants present in soaps, detergents, perfumes sprays, skin creams, etc.
Pemphigus is an autoimmune disease that has blisters on skin as one of its symptoms.
Dermatitis herpetiformis is another autoimmune disorder. It is marked by the appearance of blisters almost similar in size and shape.
Extreme temperatures, both cold and hot, can lead to formation of blisters.
Experiencing blisters after a surgery is quite common. Actually, it is natural as your body heals the tissues that went under the knife.
Hypersensitivity reaction of your body triggered by allergens like poison ivy, poison oak, medicated soaps, etc., can result in blisters.
Some substances increase the sensitivity of your skin to sunlight. They, thus, can cause blisters from sunrays.
Some medications like furosemide and nalidixic acid usually causes mild blisters.
The side effects of certain medications may include onset of diseases like erythema multiforme and toxic epidermal necrolysis.
Viral and bacterial infections can cause blisters. For example, shingles is caused by virus varicella zoster and bullous impetigo is caused by bacteria staphylococcus.
The medical treatment begins with diagnosing the underlying factor that has led to the blisters formation. A doctor is most likely to consider your family history, medical history, current medications, the possibility of your exposure to allergens and chemicals and the appearance of the blister.
The doctor may ask you to undergo a patch test or a skin biopsy. The data obtained from all these considerations and tests helps the doctor in determining the exact reason behind blisters on the skin. The treatment of the cause cures skin blisters.
It is difficult to prevent blisters caused by allergies, autoimmune diseases, and other medical complications. However, you can reduce the chances due to physical irritation. The best way is to avoid wearing clothing and footwear that you find tight or uncomfortable.
To add to this, maintain proper physical hygiene. There are certain things that you can try to soothe the blisters.
Wash the area with cold water and a mild soap twice a day to prevent it from getting infected with microbes.
Apply Aloe vera pulp on the affected area to prevent further damage.
Take non-prescription pain killers and antihistamines to bring down pain and reduce inflammation respectively.
Apply fresh milk on the blister. This will speed up the natural process of healing.
Place a moist wet tea bag on the blister. The tannic acid assists in the healing.
Blisters belong to the group of those medical conditions that are sometimes just impossible to avoid. You have to suffer from it at some point in life. However, the fast healing methods suggested in this story has been known to deliver amazing results.
You can use them whenever required. In addition to these home remedies, you should seek medical assistance to find out the actual underlying factor and cure the same.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.