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Bloated Stomach Causes

Bhakti Satalkar
While most people consider a bloated stomach to be a condition (with embarrassment as a bonus), in reality, it is an indication of other underlying problem(s).
Well, the causes can differ from person to person, and it is very important to diagnose the underlying problem in order to prescribe an appropriate line of treatment.
Who doesn't like contoured washboard abs, especially when you plan to show them off at the most happening parties in town? However, there have been instances when your plans have gone flub in a wink. Why? Well, your abs ditched you.
You would agree when you take a hard look at the zipper of your jeans wondering why it refuses to change its position. Well, what you must do is take a hard look at your plate and your lifestyle. The answer lies there.
A bloated stomach can cause great discomfort to most. In some cases, this condition can lead to a lot of weakness. When the stomach is bloated, you are bound to feel full, although you have not eaten much.
Widely considered and believed to be a stomach condition, a bloated belly, actually indicates trouble in the small intestine.
The most common cause of bloating is indigestion due to which the amount of gas produced is much more than normal. Eating disorders can lead to poor digestion, and consequently a bloated stomach as well.

Causes of a Distended Stomach

There are various factors that cause your stomach to feel bloated or distended. These differ from person to person, making diagnosis, and consequently treatment, difficult. The following are some of the major causes of bloated stomach.

Intolerance to Certain Foods

There are certain food items which can be responsible for a bloated stomach. Vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts, cabbages, onions, and garlic are known to cause a bloated stomach. Some dairy products as well as wheat, also may cause this condition. Excessive consumption of food items which contain the protein gluten cause bloating, too.
This protein acts notorious as it produces a lot of gas. If you have started following a high-fiber diet recently, it is advised that you stop this diet for a while. You can reintroduce the fiber, however, gradually, so that you do not have a bloated stomach. However, do not skip fiber from your diet totally.
If fiber is not causing this condition, you should eliminate one food item at a time from your diet and check if that food item was responsible for the same. By doing this, you will be able to zero in on the foods that cause for this condition to occur and deal with them.


Now, if you have been passing a lot of wind lately, you might be suffering from flatulence. This is a common problem, especially for those who have desk jobs. Those who bask in lavish living to an extent that they do not have to move a limb through the day, are competent victims of flatulence, too. However, excessive flatulence may prove to be a hindrance.
Well, try cutting down on pulses, cabbage, broccoli, prunes, and apples. Digestion is slower with regard to these foods as they pass through the gut, gradually. Besides, remember, slow eaters always win the game called digestion.

Hormonal Fluctuations

A common complaint registered by women, is a feeling of fullness and bloating as their periods approach. This may also be the case during the early stages of pregnancy. This is because the progesterone levels in the body rise during these phases, which hampers food motility through the gut.
When food passes through the gut at a slower pace, bloating occurs along with constipation. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water.
Fiber-rich foods may be included in the diet. However, avoid dairy if you are premenstrual to avert diarrhea, which is also another preponderant indicator of an impending menstrual cycle. Keep yourself active, and exercise daily; it improves gut motility, induces regular bowel movements, thereby averting constipation.

Swallowing Too Much Air

This is a strange, yet common cause of this condition. If you use a straw for your beverages, or if you drink out of sports bottles, then swallowing too much air is probably the cause for your bloated stomach.
There are a number of other ways through which we swallow a lot of air, for instances, talking while we eat, chewing on gum all through the day, or eating when on the move. Avoiding these practices can significantly reduce the chances of landing a bloated stomach.

Aerated Drinks

Consuming a lot of fizzy drinks is not a good practice. The gas in these drinks, actually fills up in the stomach leading to distention. Besides, you may be fond of aerated water, but know that it is one of the major culprits when it comes to a distended stomach, consequently contributing to weight gain.

Diet Products

Food labeled as "diet," "sugar-free," or "low-carb,"have a laxative effect because they contain mannitol, maltitol, and sorbitol. Consuming these products can lead to one feeling full, and can ultimately lead to bloating.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

It is often observed that people with irritable bowel syndrome are prone to developing a bloated stomach. Perhaps, it is one of the very disturbing causes of bloating. In IBS, there is no problem in particular with the bowel movement, but it's the gut that does not function correctly.
For majority, the bloating tends to occur, even worsen, during the evening hours―a time when one might like to attend social gatherings. Cereal fibers, such as whole bread, oats, and muesli, if avoided, may control the bloating, and significantly reduce the instances of the same.

Gas-producing Food

There are certain foods, which are known for causing gas trouble, which in turn lead to a bloated stomach. Foods, such as legumes, beans, cabbage, etc. feature in this category.

Eating too Fast and/or Overeating

Due to a busy lifestyle, many a time, people do not have the time to eat in leisure. Eating too fast should be avoided as it can cause a bloated stomach. At times, we skip our meals, and when we do eat, we tend to overeat. This burdens the digestive system causing a bloated feeling in the stomach.

Gastric Distention

This condition is often caused due to overeating, where pockets of air are created inside the intestine. The pockets are created due to gas caused by overeating. In some cases, this condition may have other causes as well.


When you have a problem with bowel movements, the food consumed is not thrown out of the body. It results in the food being fermented in the stomach, giving rise to gases, which move in the digestive tract and put pressure on the stomach. Constipation is another significant cause of a bloated stomach.


Candida is a yeast, which grows inside the body and causes gas formation. The yeast grows inside the intestines and ferments, especially if there is lack of bowel movement. If you are a big fan of fast food, you are helping the yeast to grow in your body.

What You Can Do

Constipation is not good. Treat your system like a tankard; drain plenty of fluids. High-fiber foods are a great help, too, in order to avoid the dreaded bloating.
✦ Take your own time to chew your food. Don't swallow it. Whenever you gulp a morsel, think of the harm you are doing to your digestive system and to your appearance. Thinking of the latter works better for the majority.
✦ Say no to fizzy drinks. Stick to lemon juice, or the old and extremely faithful hydrant, water.
✦ Highly processed foods are rich in sodium and low in fiber. Not good, for they contribute to the bloated feeling. Read the labels, and drop only those canned foods in your cart that clearly read "sodium-free," or "low-sodium content."
✦ Eat small meals. Six small meals instead of three full-course meals is appreciated by your system. Now, this does not mean you cut down on quantity and the calories required by your body and demanded by your lifestyle. Your meals should be in accordance with the aforementioned factors.
✦ Add exercise to your day, and spot the difference. One of the primary reasons of bloating, is lack of activity or vigorous movement.
The line of treatment to diffuse the condition depends on its causes. If the condition is caused due to constipation, the consumption of a high-fiber diet can help in relieving the symptoms. In case of bloating due to gas, drinking chamomile tea can be helpful.
If your diet is rich in fiber, it is advised that you increase the consumption of water, and liquids in your diet as well. All in all, it is important that your digestive system works up to the mark to avoid bloating.
Disclaimer: The story published herein, is meant to accomplish pedagogical purposes only. The recommendations mentioned hereby may not be generically applicable. The information, by no means, intends to supplant the diagnosis and advice imparted by the medical practitioner.