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Bloating Causes

Suvamita Ghosh
Bloating is a digestive problem experienced by almost everybody, regardless of age and sex. To know more about the various bloating causes, their remedies, and preventive measures read on ...
Bloating can be defined as swelling of the abdomen, due to accumulation of gases in the intestine. A bloated stomach makes different sounds, such as grumbling and rumbling. These sounds are produced due to movement of gases in the intestine.
However, the sounds also come when the food particles and digestive juices move down the lower abdominal region. Another cause of these sounds is partial digestion of food particles. Given below are the most common bloating causes.



Ascites, is the medical term that refers to the swelling of the abdomen, due to peritoneal fluid formation within the abdominal and pelvic cavities. Digestion in our body results in production of different by-products, along with gas formation. Commensal bacteria present in the gastrointestinal tract play a role in gas formation. The gas, if not expelled, may cause one to feel bloated.


Sucking in air followed by belching and flatulence is what aerophagia means. Blocked nasal passage, anxiety, and smoking are some of the causes of this condition. The gas can be passed out either through belching or it goes down to the gastrointestinal tract and passes through the rectum. To prevent this condition, avoid talking, while eating.


Certain foods are not easily absorbed by our body and cause flatulence. Some examples of these foods are vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, beans and sprouts, carbonated drinks, sugary foods, and alcohol. Certain antibiotics, if not taken along with digestive enzymes, add to excessive gas. The best way to avoid this problem is to not eat foods that cause gas.

Lactose Intolerance

Some people lack the lactase enzyme in their body and find it difficult in digesting the lactose present in milk and dairy products. Age factor is one of the reasons for lactose intolerance. Flatulence, stomach pain, and loose motion are lactose intolerance symptoms.

Gastric Infections

'Helicobacter pylori' is a bacterium that invades the lining of the stomach and causes gastric and peptic ulcers. The acidic pH of the stomach helps this bacteria to survive. It breaks down urea into ammonia gas and carbon dioxide. This may cause a burning sensation in the chest, vomiting, and gas formation.
Pylori symptoms also include pain in the mid-abdominal region of the stomach. The pain subsides, after taking antacids along with food, but it may recur after three to four hours.

Gluten Intolerance

Gluten is a protein source which is found in starchy foods such as oats, wheat, rye, and grains. In certain people, incapability of the body to digest gluten causes digestive problems commonly called gluten intolerance. It causes damage to the small intestine. One of the symptoms of gluten intolerance is a bloated stomach.

Irregular Bowel Movement and Constipation

Constipation can cause stomach pain, abdominal cramps, and flatulence. Low consumption of fiber and fluids in the diet leads to difficulty in evacuation of the bowels. This ends up in discomfort in the gut and a puffed stomach.


Women often feel bloated before the menstrual cycle. This is, because, in this phase, rapid hormonal activity takes place that allows the stool to come down slowly in the intestine causing constipation. Check with your doctor, if it is a gynecological or a gastrointestinal problem.

Preventive Measures

Try not to skip your meals as skipping meals increases gas formation in the stomach. Avoid consuming excess sweets, dairy foods, seedless fruits, vegetables, and spicy foods. Pills containing activated charcoal helps deflate your abdomen, but consult your doctor before taking the over-the-counter medication. Eat your food slowly and chew it properly, otherwise indigestion can occur.
Intake of dietary fibers and fluids prevent constipation and provide relief from digestive problems. Excessive flatulence should not be taken casually otherwise it can lead to several digestive disorders. Make changes in your lifestyle, follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly to stay fit.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.