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Blood Blister on the Finger

Azmin Taraporewala
Blisters are filled with a white, translucent fluid regarded as pus; however, when the blood vessels beneath the skin layers bursts, it causes a blood blister. Thus, a blood blister is a type of blister; the only difference being its composition, that being blood.
A blood blister is formed when the skin layers undergo immense pressure resulting from an injury or a severe wound. This trauma causes the blood vessel underneath the epidermis to rupture, thus oozing out blood.
The most prominent place where blood blisters choose to appear are fingers and toes. Ill-fitting shoes could be the predominant reason for the blister to appear on the toes.
If your finger has been pinched between the door and the door beam, you know what I am talking about! A blood blister is formed when your finger goes through a trauma, thereby hurting the blood vessels with the neighboring area being bruised. A blister on the finger or the toes could be a painful sight to behold, and an equally painful condition to endure.
Apart from being painful, it could be tempting and frustrating for one to pop the blood from the blister. After all, who chooses to behold this sight and condition day in and day out! However, this could serve to be a risky factor, as bursting the bubble of blood before it reaches maturity could spell disaster in the name of infection.
  • Accidental pinching
  • Accidental skin burning
  • Sunburn
  • Chemical exposure
  • Skin infections (eczema, impetigo)
  • Weather conditions causing frostbite
  • Certain types of medication
  • Friction with rough surface, such as raking without donning gloves


Treatment does not involve serious administering of medications. However, when blisters refuse to go away or keep reappearing, it is sensible to garner an expert consult. Burns and infections that cause blisters on any part of the body must be checked by the doctor.
It is always in the interest of the individual not to burst the blister by oneself. If you leave it on its own, and let it heal all by itself, it would be a better remedy. Popping it could lead to infections, resulting in permanent scarring of the affected skin area. Also, when it bursts on its own, cover it with a bandage, packing the bandage with cotton.
Keep the area very clean by wiping it with a soft cloth and applying an antibiotic cream to facilitate the healing process. You could also resort to applying ice cubes, if you experience pain and the redness is bothering you. All you need is some patience for a permanent healing program to take place!


The word is cleanliness. Keep your hands and fingers clean and dry, devoid of moisture and muck. When you are handling garden tools it would be to your advantage to wear gloves. Weightlifting, raking, or smashing shuttles on the badminton court, whichever activity you indulge in, wear a protective hand gear that will save you from the pain, agony, and irritation that you go through when you have blisters on the feet and hands.
If you are in pain and the blood blister is reappearing, giving you numbness and weakness on the skin surface, you must consult a medical practitioner as soon as possible. It is way better to feel the pinch while paying a hefty fee to the physician rather than the pinch, popping the blister, may inflict on you!