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Blood Blister on the Toe

A blood blister on the toe occurs when blood vessels under the skin are injured or ruptured. It usually has a dark color and depending on the injury, it may or may not be painful.
Kulbhushaan Raghuvanshi
Which part of the gets tired the most? It should certainly be the legs. They help us walk, run, and swim. We use our legs for everything we do, they are the most overworked part of the body. However, there has to be a limitation on how much you are working out your legs.
After all, it is a body part and it requires rest to strengthen its tissues and muscles, which it usually doesn't get. So, if you have ever countered a dark, blackish toenail in your foot, then you probably have suffered from a blood blister on the toe. It is an accumulation of blood under the skin due to a pinch or a bruise.
The affected area can get quite painful at first. Many people try to burst it, which is not a good idea at all. If you break it, a small amount of blood may come out, but it can leave you with an infection, which is certainly not healthy for you.

Vital Information

Like all forms of blisters, blood blisters appear on the upper layer of skin. Actually, they can be assumed to be your body's natural response to an injury. The most common type is the one that appears on your toe, it normally happens because you have hurt your toe or have worn shoes which don't fit properly.
Friction can also be a prime reason. A little bump on your nail can also be a cause. People wearing uncomfortable shoes create a warm and moist environment, which creates ideal conditions for blister formations. In some cases, irritation can be a primary reason. It has been claimed that in some cases, frostbite is also one of the main causes.

Main Cause - Running

People wearing tight or uncomfortable running shoes often suffer from foot problems. As you run, your foot needs room to spread the impact and tight shoes are not encouraging that.
If you get a blood blister, the toenail is raised and it may be swollen. It is best to leave that blister alone for at least a day, because normally, that's the time a blister normally requires for healing. Even after 24 hours if the blister is not healed, then it is time that you may want to drain the fluid.
Clean the area with an antiseptic first, take a sterilized needle, and try to pierce the blister. Make sure you are very gentle with it. After the fluid is drained, apply an antibiotic cream to the affected skin.


Remember that the area where the blister has occurred is very soft and it is necessary that it should be handled with care.
Here are some steps, which will help you learn how to treat this condition.
  • To reduce the swelling, use Epsom salt. Fill a bucket with warm water and add 1 tsp of Epsom salt. Relax your feet in it for few minutes. Epsom salt relaxes sore muscles and soothes injured skin. It also eases swelling.
  • Use a sterilized needle to make a small hole in the blister. You can sterilize the needle with alcohol or by passing it through a flame.
  • Make sure you do not drain the blister, drain the fluid, but make sure a major part of the skin is left. The remaining skin can act as a cover for the wound.
  • Now, clean the area with a sterilizing cloth and cover it up with a blister plaster for effective healing.
Tight shoes are the prime reason for this condition. So, it's very important that you wear the shoe, which allows your foot to breathe. Make sure your toes are not uncomfortable in shoes. Your toes need a place to expand, so it's very necessary that comfortable shoes are worn for running and walking.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.