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Blood Clot in Arm

Rajib Singha
Blood clot in arm that forms for abnormal reasons could lead to complications such as heart attack or stroke to name a few. Read on to know what indicates this condition and how it is treated.

What Indicates Blood Clotting?

Blood clot may be venous or arterial. The first type restricts the flow of blood back to the heart, and this gives rise to symptoms such as swelling, feeling of warmth, redness, accompanied by pain in the affected area. The second type hinders the flow of blood to the affected area. Without any blood thus, any oxygen, tissue begins to die.
This is manifested by symptoms such as pain, loss of function, heart attack, and stroke. The affected area, which in this case, is the arm may appear white, loss sensation, and may even become paralyzed.
Such symptoms when not addressed to at an early stage, have all chances of progressing towards other severe symptoms such as skin blisters on the arm, skin lesions, darkening of the skin and even shedding (sloughing) of skin.
Blood clot in arm after surgery is a common complications which tend to occur with most people. Post-surgery, the body's clotting process is somehow stimulated. This may occur few hours, 2 weeks or several months after the surgery.

Treatment Measures

Heparin and Warfarin are the drugs which are normally prescribed by the doctor. The formation of blood clots can be prevented by administration of blood thinners. However, before going for any kind of medication, it is always wise to sought for professional advice from a doctor.
Home remedies for blood clots are one safe way which should be considered for the treatment. Tea of yarrow leaves helps in treating the condition. Taking 3-4 raw cloves of garlic everyday also reduces the risk of blood clots, apart from thinning the blood.
Exercises such as jogging or brisk walking on a daily basis increases the body's ability to dissolve blood clots.
Drinking plenty of water prevents the thickening of blood and thus blood clots.
A fibrous diet also adds in keeping the blood from getting thicker. Include food items such as fruits, vegetables, raw nuts, seeds legumes, and whole grains in your daily diet.
Almonds, corn, peanuts, sunflower seeds, walnuts and any food containing wheat germ are rich sources of Vitamin E.
They also aid in thinning the blood thus, prevent major diseases which can occur due to blood clotting.
Blood clot may have severe repercussions on vital organs such as the lungs and the heart, giving rise to life-threatening situations. So do not overlook the symptoms, and call for immediate medical help at the earliest. Regular exercise, and a healthy diet are two effective ways through which you can keep these types of blood clotting issues at bay.