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Blotchy Red Face

A blotchy red face can affect the way you look, and at times, your self-image too. Being aware of the causes of the problem greatly helps in treating and managing the same.
Aastha Dogra
A blotchy red face is mostly experienced by people with a very sensitive skin. This makes facial skin care a necessity for such people. Besides a sensitive skin, there are numerous other causes and conditions which cause the skin on the face to become red and spotty. Given below is a list of some of the most commonly found ones along with the treatment measure for the same.

Causes and Treatment

# Acne

Red skin along with patches and spots on the face could be due to acne. Acne is a very common skin problem, especially in teen years, although adults as old as forty may experience it too. Some of the symptoms of acne include blackheads, pimples, red bumps on the face, chest and back. In some severe cases, the bumps may contain pus.


To get rid of acne, simply keep your face clean by washing it with a mild, medicated soap at least thrice a day. You may also take the medications that are available in the market for acne treatment. An effective home remedy to treat acne is to apply a mixture made from cucumber juice and aloe vera juice on the face, leave it on for ten minutes and then wash off. This home remedy should be followed once or twice a week for best results.

# Irritant Contact Dermatitis

Blotchy red cheeks may be caused due to the skin coming in contact with chemicals found in cosmetics, perfume, jewelry or clothing. This skin condition is known as irritant contact dermatitis and can affect people of any age.


The treatment for irritant contact dermatitis includes, first of all, to avoid/discontinue using, whatever substance that has caused it and secondly, applying a soothing lotion or a hydrocortisone cream on the affected area.

# Rosacea

Rosacea is a skin disease that leads to redness on facial skin. Other symptoms of rosacea include pimples on the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin, itchiness on face and swelling on the eyelids.
The redness on the face in rosacea may come and go and get worse when the blood vessels on the face expand. Rosacea flares up due to many reasons such as direct exposure to the sun, altering temperatures, exercising, hot and humid weather, tension, eating spicy foods and consuming alcohol.


Skin care is very essential for treating rosacea. Although it's a lifelong condition and cannot be treated, yet, the commonly given prescriptions by doctors for rosacea include metrogel and tetracycline.

# Allergic Reaction

It could also be experienced as an allergic reaction to some medicine which a person is taking. An allergic reaction is typically characterized by irregular sores on the face as well as swelling.


For allergy relief, it is advised to discontinue the medicine which has produced the allergic reaction and ask the doctor to prescribe an alternative medicine.

# Hives

Hives is a skin condition which can cause blotchy red skin. Besides redness, some of the other symptoms of hives include - swollen red bumps on the skin which appear all of a sudden and burning or itching on the affected skin. Hives can cause both small bumps or large bumps which are known as plaques. These plaques can appear on the face, tongue, lips or ears.


Treatment for hives includes giving cool compresses to the affected skin and using an antihistamine. However, if the hives do not go away in a day or two, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

# Fifth Disease

This disease occurs in both adults and children but is more common in children between the ages 5 and 15. In this condition, a red skin rash appears on the facial skin like somebody has slapped the cheek.
This rash can spread to other body parts, particularly arms and legs. Sometimes it may cause fever too. Fifth disease is a viral infection caused by a human virus named parvovirus B19. Fifth disease typically occurs during winters.


For treating fifth disease, drink lots of fluids and keep the hands and body clean so as to not spread the virus. Also take an acetaminophen to control fever.
Always use an umbrella and apply sunscreen while going out in the sun. Avoid cosmetics in this condition. However, if you must use them, use herbal cosmetics. Use natural skin care products such as olive oil and face masks prepared by using natural products, on the affected area to soothe the skin. Keep the skin hydrated by drinking lots of water and fruit juices.


The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert