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Blurred Vision and Dizziness

Madhura Pandit
Sudden feeling of dizziness and blurred vision can be a symptom of a number of disorders like ear infection, dehydration, diabetes, eye infection, anemia, etc. Here is an information on the possible causes and treatment methods in brief.
Did You Know?

Dizziness is recorded as a side effect of more than 1000 medications. Dizziness, in simplest words, is defined as a spinning sensation, giddiness, or feeling faint or lightheaded.
In minor cases, dizziness can be caused due to severe dehydration, motion sickness or exposure to strong perfume. It is also experienced on consuming excess alcohol.
Similarly, blurred vision is usually caused due to eye problems like cataract, myopia, or presbyopia, etc. But, experiencing these symptoms together can be an indication of some serious disorder.

Causes and Treatment

Following are some of the possible causes that give rise to these symptoms. Also mentioned here are the treatment options for the same:

Brain Cancer

Abnormal growth of cancerous cells in the brain results in brain tumor or brain cancer. Brain tumor is a life-threatening disease and can affect any part of the brain.
Blurred vision, confusion, seizures, vertigo, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc., are some of the identifying signs and symptoms. It should be noted that non-cancerous (benign) tumors can also result in these symptoms.
➡ Treatment: The treatment depends on the size and location of the tumor. Medication and drugs, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation are the cancer treatment methods used.

When the amount of blood sugar rises abnormally, the person could suffer from dizziness and disorders of the eyes. These are also symptoms of diabetic retinopathy. Difficulty in breathing and unconsciousness are the other accompanying symptoms. It should be noted that these symptoms are observed in both, type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
➡ Treatment: Insulin therapy, medication, changes in the diet and lifestyle can help in controlling diabetes. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult the doctor for proper treatment methods.

Dehydration occurs when there is a severe loss of fluids from the body. It can occur due to excessive perspiration, side effect of medication, or not drinking adequate amount of water. Dizziness, dry mouth and eyes, thirst, loss of appetite, unconsciousness, etc., are the symptoms of dehydration.
➡ Treatment: Although home remedies help in treating dehydration in minor cases, experiencing dizziness due to dehydration is a sign of a severe disorder. Hence, it is recommended to consult the doctor immediately.
Ear Infection

Any disorder related to the inner ear can cause vertigo. Inflammation or infection of the nerves in the ear, labyrinthitis, vestibular neuronitis, etc., can also cause sudden dizziness or vertigo in people. Difficulty in hearing (may or may not be observed), nausea, vomiting, imbalance while walking, etc., are the other symptoms.
➡ Treatment: The doctor will prescribe painkillers, ear drops, antibiotics, decongestants, etc., to treat ear infection.
High Blood Pressure / Low Blood Pressure

Sudden increase or decrease in the blood pressure can also cause dizziness, nausea and blurred vision. Sedentary lifestyle, stress, tension, alcohol, disorders of the adrenal gland and kidneys, sleep disorders, etc., lead to hypertension or high blood pressure.
On the other hand, hemorrhage, congestive heart failure, reduced blood volume, insufficient fluid intake, bradycardia, etc., can result in hypotension or low blood pressure. Frequent dizzy spells and high blood pressure can be a symptom of heart diseases.
➡ Treatment: Medications, changes in diet and lifestyle, quitting smoking and alcoholism, reducing stress, etc., can help in treating and preventing high blood pressure.
Ménière's Disease

Ménière's disease is a rare disorder of the inner ear that can lead to symptoms like loss of hearing, tinnitus, dizziness, vertigo, pressure in the ear, etc. Symptoms of this disease vary from one person to the other.
The exact cause of this condition is not known; but, it is believed that disorder related to the inner ear can be one of the causes.
➡ Treatment: Medications and drugs are used to treat this condition. The doctor will even prescribe changes in diet, therapy, diuretics, etc. If none of this works, a surgery may be recommended.

Migraine is a neurological condition, marked by severe and recurring headache. The exact cause of migraine is not known; but the possible triggers could be consuming certain type of food, stress, or change in weather.
The most prominent symptom of migraine is severe throbbing headache that lasts for a couple of hours or even days together. It is often accompanied by other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, and dizziness.
➡ Treatment: There is no cure for migraine. But, medications, painkillers, anti-inflammatory medicines, staying away from trigger factors, etc., can help in treating migraine.
Panic Attack

A panic or anxiety attack is another reason for experiencing dizziness, with disorders of the vision. It can be caused due to extreme fear or stress. Other symptoms include nausea, confusion, choking sensation, vomiting, unconsciousness, sweating profusely, hyperventilation, etc.
➡ Treatment: Medications like antianxiety medications, antidepressants, psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, etc., are the usual treatment methods of this disorder.
Side Effects of Medication

Dizziness can also be a side effect of certain drugs and medications. Antidepressants and sedatives usually cause side effects, if taken without prescription. However, many other medications can cause these negative effects if taken without consulting the doctor or if taken in excess.
➡ Treatment: Side effects of any medication (with or without prescription) should be brought to the doctor's notice immediately. This can be treated by changing the medication.

Dizziness and Blurred Vision During Pregnancy

Some women also experience frequent migraine during pregnancy, that causes clouded vision, dizziness, headache, etc. The rise in hormone level can cause dizziness during pregnancy. Although dizziness is commonly experienced during pregnancy, it is rarely accompanied by blurred vision.
Therefore, if you experience both the symptoms together during pregnancy, it is better to consult the doctor as soon as possible.
Epilepsy, stroke, eye injury, anemia, cyanide poisoning, etc., are some of the other possible causes. Consulting the doctor and having the underlying cause diagnosed should be the top priority, when suffering from these symptoms.
Physical examination, X-ray or an MRI are the most effective techniques used to diagnose any underlying disorder. In minor cases, herbal remedies or rest can effectively cure dizziness.
It is advisable not to ignore these symptoms as they can be indicators of minor or even severe disorders. Consulting the doctor at the right time is essential for treating the disorders completely. Take care!
Disclaimer: This story is meant only to provide information. It should not be substituted for proper medical advice and treatment.