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Body Odor in Children

Priya Johnson
Most parents often express concern over body odor in their children who are as young as three. So what causes foul odor in children as seen in adults? Let's find out!
Most of us are under the impression that body odor does not occur in children. Children are believed to not release body odor until they reach puberty. However, body odor is a common problem even in children who maintain good personal hygiene. Well, parents seem baffled when they realize their cute, adorable child is emanating foul-smelling body odor.
It can be quite a distressing situation. However, we need to equip ourselves with the knowledge of why tiny tots seem to emanate bad body odor and what are the different measures to counter it.


We feel that perspiration causes body odor, however, perspiration by itself is odorless. It is only when anaerobic bacteria flourish in the body due to lack of adequate oxygen, that body odor develops.
Moreover, during the body's metabolism process, the body gets rid of waste products by giving off odors. Any deviation or malfunction in this metabolism can result in emission of strong odors.

Metabolic Disorder

Body odor can be caused by a number of factors. One such factor is a 'metabolic disorder', in which the child's body is not able to produce certain enzymes, essential for breakdown of chemicals in the body.
Phenylketonuria is a rarely inherited metabolic disorder, wherein the body is unable to break down an amino acid called phenylalanine present in the food. This disorder can result in strong body odor due to the accumulation of phenylalanine in the body.

Hormones added in Cow's Milk

Hormones are added to regular cow's milk, which are capable of producing body odor in children. Several parents have found that switching to organic milk or milk substitutes, like almond milk has solved the problem of body odor. Hormones in other food items can also result in body odor.

Premenstrual Adrenarche

Body odor in children can also be an indicator of premature adrenarche. In this situation, glands are stimulated to cause puberty hair growth under the arm and in the genital regions at an early age.
Besides these causes, another cause in kids is intestinal parasite. Moreover, hyperactive sweat glands, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), metal toxicities can also conduce to foul body odor in kids.


If your child is reaching puberty at an early stage, then body odor is a common sign. However, check for other puberty signs like breast development, underarm or pubic hair, etc. If odor is not accompanied by any of these signs, then it is not conduced by early puberty and you need to consult the pediatrician.
If your child is a milk drinker and emanates foul body odor, try switching to organic milk and foods with organic eggs, organic chicken. Consult your pediatrician if the condition does not alleviate even then. However, make sure you don't bathe the child before taking him or her to meet the pediatrician, or else the intensity of odor will not be known.
The pediatrician will then test your child for presence of metabolic disorders or parasites and treat your child accordingly. If parasites are responsible for causing body odor, then the pediatrician will provide appropriate medication.
To counter body odor, one must not use adult deodorants or antiperspirants. These products have been designed for adult bodies and contain chemicals, which can prove deleterious to children.
One can resort to simple, natural remedies to get rid of the unpleasant condition. Using diluted apple cider vinegar, baking soda or baby wipes can help keep body odor under control.
Body odor in children can be treated correctly and stopped from recurring, only if the cause has been identified correctly. Consulting your child's pediatrician and espousing the treatment suggested as soon as possible, is the wisest thing to do in order to get rid of this unpleasant situation.