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Boils on Inner Thighs

Loveleena Rajeev
Boils on the inner thighs are not only painful, but also cause a lot of discomfort. This article will give you a brief overview about their causes and treatment options, including some useful home remedies.
A boil is a localized skin infection that starts in a hair follicle or an oil gland, and is deep in the skin. It is commonly known as a skin abscess. This is caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus.
This bacterium actually resides in many people, and is generally considered to be a harmless one, until it goes on to infect the deeper tissues and create a problem.
The inner thigh, face, throat, armpits, groin and buttocks are some areas on the body where these boils can occur. Teenagers, young adults, and people with a weakened immune system are more susceptible to being affected by them.

What Causes These Boils?

⇒ Entry of the staphylococcal germ in the body through cuts and scrapes in the skin
⇒ Damaged hair follicles due to wearing tight-fitting clothes
⇒ Scratching with infected nails and fingers
⇒ Sharing toiletries like razors, loofah, washcloths, and bath towels
⇒ Weakened immune system
⇒ Waxing or shaving of hair
⇒ Allergic reactions to certain chemicals
⇒ Excessive sweating and accumulation of dirt in the thigh region
⇒ Fabric allergy or irritation
⇒ Recurrent rubbing of the thighs (common in overweight people)
⇒ Entry of a foreign body in the skin
⇒ Lack of proper nutrition
⇒ Poor hygiene
⇒ Chronic diseases and disorders, diabetes
⇒ Stress and overexertion
⇒ Infected lymph node in the groin area
⇒ Pediculus corporis - infestation of a parasitic louse on the human body
⇒ Carbuncles - painful cluster of boils with multiple openings for the discharge of pus
⇒ Cellulitis - bacterial infection which spreads just below the skin surface

Predominant Symptoms

A reddened and tender localized area, which eventually becomes hard.
Areas surrounding the boil tend to feel sore and painful.
To fight off the infection, the body fills it with white blood cells and proteins that get accumulated in the center of the boil, forming a head or mouth filled with pus.
The abscess keeps getting larger and more painful, until the head of the boil ruptures and drains on its own, or in severe cases, needs to be surgically ruptured and drained.
A severe abscess can cause a low-grade fever at times, and will cause the lymph nodes to swell as well.

Treatment Options

Boils on the inner area of the thigh can cause a lot of discomfort, as the infected thigh keeps rubbing itself against the other. If the boil does not drain and there seems to be a possibility of another one developing around the same area, get it checked by a doctor. The treatment depends upon the size and severity of the boil.
If the boil is small and firm with no evident opening, then the doctor may just prescribe antibiotics and pain relievers to cure the infection from within.

If a small pustule has developed, it is treated by making a small incision in the tip and completely draining the pus out.
Painful and deep abscesses are treated by numbing the area using a local anesthetic, and then opening and draining all the pus out from it.
However, if the infection is deep in the tissue, it does not get drained easily. In such circumstances, the doctor covers the boil with a sterile gauze so that pus can continue to drain. The gauze is usually removed in a couple of days time.

At times, a large skin abscess needs to be surgically opened and drained, and treated with intravenous antibiotics.

Home Curatives

Heat Compress - Heat applications are very helpful for boils that are in the early stages. Hot packs increase circulation around the infected area, which enables antibodies and white blood cells to fight off an infection by forming the pustule.
Follow this for two to three days, till the pus drains out. When the pus is out, clean the entire area with an antibacterial soap or liquid; pat it dry, and apply a medicated ointment and a bandage on it.
Turmeric Paste - Mix turmeric powder, Castor oil, Epsom salt, iodine, and honey, and make a paste out of all this. Put this mixture on the affected area. This would form a white head, from which the pus would drain out. Now clean the area with an antifungal or antibacterial solution.
Goldenseal - Make a paste of goldenseal root powder in water and apply over the abscess. This herb will effectively fight the bacteria that is causing the boils, as it has strong antibacterial properties.

Flaxseed - Apply a little amount of a mush made from the flaxseed herb on the pustules. This will aid in healing the boils much faster.
Burdock Roots - A natural antibiotic by nature, this root helps in treating bacterial infections.

Echinacea - This is the most-recommended North American perennial herb, and is used to treat skin abscesses which are caused due to a weakened immune system. This plant promotes and purifies the immune system and the lymph glands.
Water - It is recommended that one drinks at least 8 to 10 glasses of water ever day. This helps in flushing out the toxins from the body through urine and sweat, thereby aiding in reducing the occurrence of these boils.
Black-eyed Peas - In a mixture of vinegar and warm water, soak some black-eyed peas that have been crushed into a paste. Apply this paste on the boil, cover with a clean dressing, and leave it overnight. The boil will most probably start draining out pus by morning.
Note.- Never puncture a boil with a metal object or even apply pressure with the fingers. It will only aggravate the condition, and cause more boils to form.
Whether boils on the inner thigh are treated at home or at a clinic, follow-up is essential to ensure that no new boils develop. It is important to maintain hygiene around the infected area. If there are recurring boils, it is best to consult a doctor, as the problem may run deeper than it seems.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.