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Broken Capillaries on Chest

Medha Godbole
Broken capillaries on various body parts are seen as minute red threads. The narrowing and widening of the capillary walls lead to the tearing of the capillaries. This story lists out the causes that lead to broken capillaries on the chest.
Broken capillaries on different parts of our body can be caused by a wide range of reasons, The most common areas where these are seen are legs, face, chest, and neck.

Causes of Broken Capillaries on Chest

Constriction of Capillaries

Capillaries are very minute blood vessels which connect arteries to veins. When these narrow or widen quickly, it causes the walls to tear and then blood seeps out. It is manifested in the form of purple or red lines.

Sensitive Skin

A very common and one of the prominent causes is skin being extra sensitive and thin in some areas. This leads to tear in capillaries owing to slight pressure being exerted on the area.

Family History

If your family has a history of this problem, then there is a considerable chance that you may develop them at some point of time.


An injury of a considerable impact on the chest can easily lead to broken capillaries. Or if someone indulges in weight training without adequate rest, it can lead to broken blood vessels. That is because the blood flow in that area will be affected, leading to either narrowing or widening of the blood vessels.


In pregnant women, the amount of blood flowing through their bodies is more than what is normally seen. Consequently, their veins enlarge, causing capillaries to break. It may also lead to the appearance of varicose veins.

Other Reasons

In some cases, these can be a consequence of exposure to extreme weather changes. Sometimes hormonal changes too, can cause capillaries to break. Children in pubertal age can experience this medical condition.

How to Get Rid of Broken Capillaries

The Cover-Up

The visibility of broken capillaries can be embarrassing. You can use makeup to hide the same. Use a concealer and foundation over the area and make sure that the skin has an even tone.

Other Ways

If you are looking for a permanent, faster way to get rid of this problem, consider laser treatment. It can work for spider veins as well. However, this should be done in consultation with a dermatologist. According to experts, this is the most effective way to get rid of this problem. Topical creams can also be prescribed by the concerned specialist. These have also been proved to be very effective for some people.
Ultimately the best way to deal with broken capillaries is to prevent them altogether, by relaxing the muscles in that area after a vigorous work out and protecting it from climatic extremes. These can also appear during pregnancy and cannot be helped for, but you can consult a doctor regarding any topical medication to be used.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.