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Broken Capillaries on Legs

Chandramita Bora
Broken capillaries are caused by a tear in the capillary wall. Several factors can be associated with this condition, which are discussed in this story, along with the treatment and preventive measures.
Though broken capillaries can appear anywhere on the body, they are more common in the legs and face. They can appear as red or purple-colored bruises or very thin thread-like marks just beneath the skin. Sometimes, they can spread out like a web or net, for which they are often referred to as spider veins.
Spider veins are caused by the dilation of the capillaries. The capillaries are responsible for delivering nutrients and oxygen to various parts of the body. But they are quite delicate and fragile, and therefore, more prone to breakage, especially when they are subjected to excess pressure.

What Causes Broken Capillaries

Broken or ruptured capillaries are often a sign of poor circulation. Several factors can be associated with the formation of spider veins, of which, the most common factors are explained below.

Heredity and Gender

This condition is often observed to run in families. Children whose parents have broken or ruptured capillaries have more chances of developing this condition later in life. Further, the incidence of both spider and varicose veins are more in women, as compared to men. So, gender could also play a role in the development of this condition.

Old Age

Spider veins are more common in the age group of 50 to 60 years. As we age, our skin becomes thinner and the capillaries lose their elasticity. The valves inside the veins also weaken with advancing age, which causes the blood to pool inside the veins. This increases pressure inside the veins and capillaries, and causes them to rupture. Such ruptured capillaries become more apparent when the skin becomes thinner.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalance is another common factor that can affect the resilience of the veins and capillaries. A high level of estrogen and progesterone can dilate the veins and capillaries. Therefore, pregnancy, and use of birth control pills, or other types of estrogen treatment can increase the risk of developing broken capillaries on the legs.
On the other hand, a significantly low level of estrogen and progesterone can reduce the ability of the veins to resist pressure. A reduced level estrogen can also increase the risk of high blood pressure in women. Therefore, broken or ruptured capillaries are very common during menopause.


Apart from causing hormonal fluctuations, pregnancy increases the amount of blood flowing in the body. This in turn, can cause dilation of the veins. The enlarged uterus can also compress the large vein on the right side of the body, which can increase pressure inside the leg veins, and cause them to dilate. Sometimes, the valves inside the veins may fail to function properly due to this dilation. As a result, blood can pool inside the veins and cause the development of spider and varicose veins.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency

The veins carry blood from the legs to the heart against the force of gravity. The backflow of blood due to gravity is prevented by some tiny valves present in the veins. When these valves do not function properly, the blood accumulates in the veins and capillaries of the legs.
Eventually, the small blood vessels succumb to this increased pressure, and rupture. This condition is known as chronic venous insufficiency. Aging, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle are the main risk factors for this condition.

Lifestyle or Occupation

The risk of developing spider and varicose veins is more in people who have a sedentary lifestyle. The condition chronic venous insufficiency, can also get aggravated by prolonged sitting or standing in the same position, as required in some professions.

Other Possible Causes

A few other possible causes of spider veins or ruptured capillaries are:

✧ Excessive exposure to the sun, and hot, dry winds
✧ An injury or trauma to the legs
✧ Chronic alcohol abuse
✧ Liver damage
✧ Tumors in the abdomen

Treatment of Spider Veins

Spider veins or ruptured capillaries usually do not cause any problem. For most people, they are simply a cosmetic concern. The conventional treatment options for ruptured capillaries are:
Oral and Topical Medicines - There are some topical medications that can help shrink the ruptured capillaries. Such ointments usually contain vitamin K, C, and E. If topical medicines fail to reduce the appearance of spider veins, oral medications are prescribed.
Laser Therapy - It basically uses a strong burst of light to reduce the appearance of broken blood vessels. Bruising, redness, itching, and swelling are some of the common side effects associated with this treatment.
Sclerotherapy - Sclerotherapy is another treatment option, wherein a solution is injected into the veins, in order to close and harden them. The broken vein and capillaries then shrink away and disappear within a few days. If done properly, sclerotherapy is much more effective than laser therapy. But it can also cause a few side effects, such as itching, swelling, and discoloration of the skin.

How to Prevent Broken Capillaries

The following are some of the preventive measures that can help reduce the occurrence of spider veins:
✧ An active lifestyle or regular exercising can improve blood circulation and keep spider veins at bay. Exercises like walking and swimming can prove to be immensely beneficial in this regard.
Avoid sitting or standing in a single position for a long time. If this cannot be avoided, be sure to take short breaks in between, and elevate your legs for a few minutes.
✧ You can also wear support stockings or a low-grade compression hose to improve circulation and prevent the development of spider veins.
✧ Wear comfortable footwear, especially if your job requires you to sit or stand for a prolonged time period. Be sure to avoid wearing high-heeled shoes in such a situation.
✧ Maintain a healthy body weight to avoid putting more pressure on the veins.
✧ Avoid the habit of crossing your legs while sitting.
Reduce your salt intake, as excess sodium causes your body to retain more water, which can increase pressure inside the blood vessels.
✧ Include more fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, and avoid processed food.
So, it is possible to prevent the appearance of broken veins and capillaries with some simple changes in lifestyle and diet. But if these measures fail to prevent their development, then talk to your physician to find out the root causes, and treat the condition accordingly. You can also talk to a dermatologist to reduce the appearance of spider veins, if they become a cosmetic concern.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be replaced for the advice of a medical professional.