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Broken Capillaries on Nose

Nicks J
Eating spicy foods, consuming alcohol or smoking are some of the common factors that cause broken capillaries on nose.
Capillary is one of the three different types of blood vessels found in the human circulatory system. It is observed that capillaries that lie just below the top layer of the skin (epidermis) are extremely delicate, hence are susceptible to damage. Broken capillaries appear as 'zigzag' red lines and are distinctly visible on the superficial skin. Capillaries located in the facial area, especially on the nose break due to various reasons. Broken blood vessels on nose make it unusually red, in turn affecting the overall appearance.



There are quite a few side effects of consuming alcohol and one of them is broken capillaries on nose. Alcoholics are prone to this type of skin problem. Studies show that the body absorbs alcohol very quickly. It is then circulated in the body through veins and capillaries.
However, as alcohol moves through the circulatory system, it causes (dilation) expansion of capillaries. When the dilation exceeds beyond a certain limit, the capillaries break open. This phenomenon is commonly observed on the face, especially on the nose.


Smoking is yet another reason behind development of broken capillaries on the skin. As we all know, vitamin C is essential to keep the capillary walls healthy. However, smoking restricts the supply of vitamin C to the skin. This can weaken the capillaries just below the skin and eventually they break.

Sun exposure

Roaming in the hot sun for a considerable amount of time can also cause broken capillaries. To be precise, extreme temperature cannot be tolerated by the capillaries. When a person travels in cold climatic conditions, the capillaries constrict, but on moving in the house, the temperature being relatively warm, the capillaries expand. This alternate expansion and constriction of blood vessels can harm the structure of capillaries, eventually leading to breakage.


Rosacea is a condition in which normal skin color changes to red. It normally occurs on the face and is typically marked by formation of papules (red spots) and small elevated structures known as pustules.
Besides face turning red, blood vessels (capillaries) hidden underneath the skin are now distinctly visible in the form of red lines on the cheeks and nose. Broken capillaries on face is typically seen in patients suffering from telangiectasia rosacea.


Broken capillaries on the nose isn't a serious issue, but certainly requires treatment to clear those red lines. Medications such as clonidine are given to prevent blood vessels from widening. Believe it or not, but broken blood vessels on the facial area is not easy to treat.
Once they rupture, due to expansion they generally do not constrict back to their original width. However, taking certain precautions can greatly reduce the risk of capillary breakage. For instance consuming alcohol in moderate amounts or applying a sunscreen lotion when going out, are some simple solutions to keep the capillaries away from breakage.

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment for is an innovative way to get a clear skin, free from broken capillaries. In this procedure, laser beam emitted from a source are targeted on the affected part of nose. The light penetrates through the outermost layer of the skin and hits the capillaries. The heat generated by the light waves causes destruction of these capillaries.
As a result, they are no longer visible on the cheeks and nose. The blood of the destroyed capillary is eventually absorbed by the body. Attending the session of laser treatment just once, might not be sufficient for full recovery. Multiple sessions of laser treatment are sometimes necessary to make those capillaries disappear.
Side effects (if any) are temporary and go away within a week. Discoloration of the skin and formation of blisters are some of the minor side effects that do not require any treatment. So in order to get rid of these broken links and improve overall facial appearance, use of intense pulse light (IPL) and laser is certainly a good option.