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Broken Tailbone Recovery Time

Scholasticus K
A fractured bone can be extremely painful and can take several days to heal. Similarly, a fracture of the coccyx or the tailbone is extremely painful and is caused due to trauma resulting from a fall or an accident.
Generally, the recovery time is around 8 weeks depending on the general health of the person and the extent of the fracture. This story provides some information on the same.
The human tailbone is a small portion of our skeleton that reminds us that we were animals with tails not too long ago. The tailbone or the coccyx is the last set of 'vertebrae' of the ape vertebral column. The coccyx is attached to the sacrum with a fibrocartilaginous joint.

Recovery Time

This part of the spinal column, i.e. coccyx, is not one single bone, but is made out of 5 different vertebrae. The term is derived from Greek language and is a direct translation of the word cuckoo, the beak of which this it resembles. The recovery time would principally differ in accordance with the level and severity of the injury.
The tailbone injury recovery is quite uncertain and often it does not get recovered completely for a year or so. The odd location of this injury actually makes matters worse.
✦ A common, minor, or the bruised tailbone recovery time, that is not very severe, is within a time span of 4-6 weeks from the accident. That is, the healing of a bruised tailbone takes lesser time as compared to that of a fractured one. Recovery time for a fracture is around 8 weeks. In cases where the injury was a bit severe, the healing time is more.
✦ In most of the cases, though the healing time spans to 3 months, the actual rehabilitation of the bone structure is very long, extending to a time period, exceeding an entire year.
✦ The key to timely recovery is to take very disciplined measures such as pain medications, stool softeners, and other such medications that reduce pain from the trauma.
✦ To boost up the healing process, the doctors often prescribe medications that boost local healing. Natural supplements to soothe the pain and also boost the healing include glucosamine and cod liver oil.
✦ Healing time is uncertain and taking appropriate rest, not sitting down for a long time (use a cushion or gel donut while sitting), and giving the body time and posture, to help the injury heal are the only few choices.
You can also ice your tailbone for 20 minutes every hour for the first 48 hours, which can then be followed by 2-3 times a day. However, make sure that you do not apply the ice directly to the skin.
✦ In extreme cases, doctors surgically remove parts of it or the entire tailbone. This takes away the pain but, on the whole, to completely rehabilitate and get back to normal, you would need about a year's time.

Causes and Symptoms

The triangular shape of the tailbone often leads to the fragmentation or breakage of this bone on immediate shocking or heavy impact. It is basically the last bone of the spine, so subjected to a heavy impact if we fall on our bottom. Either way, the impact is not at all friendly and tends to damage the coccyx if it is heavy or sufficiently strong enough.
The tailbone as a whole, thus becomes susceptible to different levels of injury, right from the small hair-line impact cracks to large fractures. Apart from that bruises, dislocation, and breakage of the same can also occur.
On the whole, whenever possible try to break your fall with your hands, because a tailbone fracture which is technically known as a coccyx fracture is extremely painful. The recovery time is uncertain and it is a very painful condition.
The broadness of the female pelvis is another reason that increases the probability and even the severity of this condition. Apart from the aforementioned trauma or hard fall, it can also occur as a result of constant strain or friction by activities such as cycling and rowing.

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The common symptoms of this fracture include pain while in a seating position, strained and painful bowel movement, and external bruises.
In case of such injuries the more quickly you go to the doctor, the better would be the diagnosis. Hence, if you experience any chronic pain or bruising after a fall, rush to a doctor, preferably an orthopedic surgeon.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.