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Broken Toe Healing Time

Parashar Joshi
The healing period for a broken toe varies depending on the nature and severity of the injury. Read ahead to know more about broken toe healing period and the treatment for the same.
Periosteum... ...is a thick membrane that surrounds the bones in a child's body. It allows for faster recovery of broken bones in children than in adults.

If you accidentally stub your toe on a rock or stumble over a roadside brick and chip a toe, it will take around 4 to 6 weeks to heal. However, pain and swelling will go away in 1 week.
If some heavy object has been dropped on the toe, it can bruise the area under the toenail. The healing time required in such a condition cannot be specified and will depend completely on nail growth.
Along with the type of injury, the healing time required for a broken toe also depends on the type of treatment used. Hence, the following section deals with certain first aid treatment options and a few medications for a broken toe.

Broken Toe Treatment

Well, if you happen to hurt your toe and you suspect that you could have chipped or broken a toe bone, obviously the wise thing to do would be to see a doctor and get your toe examined. However, if for some reason, you are unable to see a doctor immediately, here is what you should do in the meantime.
► First and foremost, closely observe your toe for any signs of swelling. If it is a case of a broken toe, then in all probability, it would be a traumatic fracture (meaning that a bone, or a certain part of the bone would have been broken, displaced, damaged or dislocated).
If only that part of the toe near the point of impact swells up, then it could very well be a case of a bone fracture. However, if the surrounding area swells up as well, then maybe it could be a case of a bad sprain.
► Regardless of whether it is a fracture or not, as soon as you spot signs of swelling, you should immediately treat the swollen area with ice. Wrap a couple of ice cubes in a soft towel and rub it very gently on the affected area. Do this for around 10-12 minutes and at regular intervals. It will ease the pain and reduce swelling.
► Also, if the doctor's visit is going to take longer, take complete rest until then. Prop your injured foot on a pillow while lying on the bed such that it rests in an elevated position. This will prevent the accumulation of fluid near the injured area and will help in reducing the swelling to some extent.
► Once you visit the doctor, the X-ray will confirm whether or not it is a case of a broken toe. If there is blood in the injured area under the toenail, it needs to be removed by the doctor to reduce pain.
If necessary, the doctor may fit your toe with a splint to immobilize it, i.e., keep it in a fixed position and prevent it from unnecessary movements. Alternatively, a cast shoe may also be recommended for the same purpose.
► Buddy taping is also one of the techniques to make a broken toe heal faster. Place a small cotton padding between the injured and the adjust toe and tape them together. Do not tape so tightly that the blood circulation is cut off.
The padding between the toes will prevent the injured toe from unnecessary movements and allow it to heal in a straight manner. It will also prevent the skin from developing sores and blisters.
► If the extent of the bone breakage is severe or complicated, then the doctor may be left with no option but to perform a surgical procedure to realign the toe bone.
Give your broken toe the required time to heal, by staying away from any form of exercise or physical activity that would put pressure on the recuperating toe. Activities like running and jogging should be resumed only after the toe heals completely and that can take up to 3 months.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only and does not, in any way, intend to replace the advice of a medical expert.