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Brown Spots on Legs

Whether its due to your age or overexposure of sun, many people can develop brown spots on their legs. Read about the causes and some possible remedies as well.
Kalpana Kumari
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.
Your body produces a pigment which is responsible for darkening of the skin called melanin. It is necessary to protect your body from the dangerous effects of sun's rays. As people with light skin tones have comparatively less melanin and hence, they are more prone to several skin issues.
The brown spots on your skin are among such skin issues. However, they are not only restricted to fair people. Their occurrence is quite common in people with darker skin tones as well.


The foremost cause is aging. It is believed that as you grow older, your body tends to produce more melanin. The effect is often seen in the form of flat, brown, gray or black spots on different body parts of your body.
The brown caused by aging are more commonly known as age spots, solar lentigines, and liver spots. Such spots are quite common in people who are over age 40. However, they may occur in young people as well. The age spots are harmless and often do not need medical treatment.

Sun exposure

Another reason can be the frequent exposure to the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. Your body produces more melanin in order to protect the skin from the harmful effects of sun's rays.
Increased production of melanin results in formation of clusters of melanin in some parts of the body, such as legs, ankles, arms, etc. They occur as flat brown patches on the skin. Sun spots can also occur as white spots on the skin in some cases. Although they are painless, they may or may not be a sign of skin cancer.


The brown spots on legs and arms can be lentigos. They are a type of freckle which looks like a small tan. The lentigos are brown, sometimes black, spots on the skin. They are mostly caused by sun exposure. In fair-skinned people, they may occur due to some genetic abnormality.
Lentigos are harmless but may look like skin cancer spots. Hence, medical intervention is required for differentiation.

Possible Remedies

Medical science has numerous ways to fade or treat the spots. Some of the commonly used methods are chemical peels, laser resurfacing, intense pulsed light therapy, and bleaching creams. Still, it is always better to use some inexpensive home remedies first.
  • Always apply a sunscreen lotion, minimum SPF 15, on all your exposed body parts. The sunscreen application is particularly needed on the spots.
  • Make a mixture of vinegar and onion juice. Apply it on the affected skin with a cotton ball before bedtime.
  • Drink two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar twice a day. This will also energize you.
  • Eat bearberry on a regular basis. It has a natural skin tone improving ingredient called arbutin. It resembles hydroquinone in action. It is believed to block the action of the enzyme responsible for excessive production of melanin.
  • Have licorice as it has an ingredient called liquirtin. It is known to lighten the spots within a couple of weeks.
  • Use a soy moisturizers. It is believed to cure sun damages and removes blotchiness. It improves the overall skin tone as well.
  • Last but not the least, follow a healthy diet. Include more of vegetables and fruits in your regular diet. These are rich in vitamins and minerals, and hence can naturally cure several skin problems.
The mentioned home remedies might give you desired results. Still, it is advisable to know the exact reason behind the appearance of the spots. Therefore, you need to pay a visit to a dermatologist.