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Bulimia Facts

Rituparna Sarkar
What is bulimia? Is bulimia common among celebrities? What are the causes that lead to this disorder? Read on for more facts about bulimia...
Bulimia is quite relevant to the prevalent setting of the 'lose weight' trend, these days. Bulimia, which is also termed as bulimia nervosa, is a psychological disorder or mental Illness of eating which involves frequent binging and purging.
In simple terms, these acts of binging and purging occur in a cycle: an ardent spree and uncontrolled indulge in eating, followed by feeling of guilt which finally results in purging.
In this case, you do not have any self-control overeating. In this condition, you have a tendency to plunge into the food and eat voraciously.
Then the utter feeling of guilt casts on you and you tend to indulge in any mean of flushing out that food from your body, most commonly, self-induced vomiting or throwing up, use of laxatives, and besetting and random exercises.
The later act of purging is often for arduous means. You feel that you need to self-inflict means of punishment for the act of binging.
A lot of people get confused in distinguishing the difference between bulimia and anorexia nervosa. There's not a very thin line between the two but the prognosis for bulimia is better than anorexia.
Certain symptoms are quite common but medical criteria for bulimia according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) says that there has to be episodes of 2 binge-eating for at least 3 months with regular purging and (or) excessive exercise, use of laxatives or unusual fasting. Here are some facts about this disorder.

Interesting Bulimia Facts

'Bulimia is an eating disorder in which you engage yourself in binge eating which creates a feeling of guilt, resulting in purging or use of laxatives and other means of exercises. It is most common in adolescent and young women. People suffering from it are typically in the range of their normal weight.
The interesting fact is that such people are usually well aware of their abnormal behavior and ashamed of their habit of over-eating. Thus, they are quite secretive about their eating tendencies and tend to do it without the knowledge of others
Recent research says that bulimia is not restricted to a particular culture or class. It is quite prevalent in all the sections of the society. Though the statistics are changing, still it is found to be more common in females than males. Males suffering from this disorder are mostly homosexuals.
The causes of bulimia are also not well specified. Still, studies say that there are few factors which cause bulimia. The factors might have direct connection or can even act as catalysts. Some of them are listed below.
  • Genetic and family influences are considered to be one of the major causes.
  • The reformed level of neurotransmitters, namely, serotonin also plays a major role causing depression.
  • Low self-esteem and related inferiority complexes can also have an effect.
  • Certain cultural and social factors aggravate the trait.
Being confident, realistic and rational can be listed as some ways to prevent bulimia. People with this illness do not often reveal that the purging episodes are completely self-induced.
Thus, they complain of their deteriorating health and problems of diarrhea and other stomach issues. They can also face severe dehydration problems which occur mainly due to overuse of laxatives.
"Becoming the new feminine ideal requires just the right combination of insecurity, exercise, bulimia and surgery." - Gary Trudeau

Famous People With Bulimia

Eating disorders are found to be quite common in celebrities. They are always supposed to look good and presentable. The ultimate pressure of the media and expectations of their fans take a toll on their lifestyle which can be counted as the media's influence on eating disorders.
The influence of the society and fellow mates also play a major role. Here are the names of few famous people of distinct and unique backgrounds with bulimia.
Princess Diana: Princess of Wales, who suffered from this disorder and called it her "escape mechanism". She claimed to be under depression and bulimia was the only escape till she finally got cured.
Elton John: The Rock-Pop icon in his recent past suffered from bulimia and other problems of drug abuse and alcoholism till he decided to go to a rehab center.
Thandie Newton: The critically acclaimed star also claimed in 2007 that she suffered from bulimia. She was obsessed with the idea of losing weight since she was 14.
Britney Spears: The famous pop star was reported to have been suffering from bulimia. She was able to curb tendencies during her pregnancies. But it again relapsed in spite of her repeated visits to rehab.
Joan Rivers: The famous comedian and host also suffered from this condition. After her husband committed suicide, she excogitated suicide but finally recovered with constant counseling and family support.
Sharon Osbourne: The out-spoken judge of America's Got Talent claims to be suffering from bulimia for 35 years. With regular counseling, she's better now.
Thus, bulimia facts pertain to the root of its arrival till its extinction. Eating disorders are considered to be common in celebrities, and bulimia is one of the most common disorder. The pressure of the modern society and its norms are ever changing.
It becomes difficult for us to cope with them and live up to the expectations of such prevalent norms. For example, 'zero-size' is considered to be a fashion-trend itself. Some people know that and some try to follow that.
But we often tend to forget that being slim is not everything. Like shifts in paradigms trends are also changing. Lot of people do not consider the slim-skinny look trendy anymore.
 Emphasis on health is a good thing. But when simple emphasis becomes over-emphasis, then it's hazardous and fatal. Life is beautiful, it's precious too. Thus, the motto should be love life, stay healthy
Low self-esteem, insecurities and complexes should be dealt in a better manner. Bulimia is no solution or escape! Losing weight sounds good, but it has to be done in a healthy way, and only if you actually need to put down, medically. Being a little overweight is still better than adapting such deadly measures to cut those extra fats, isn't it?