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Bumps on the Eyelid

Rutuja Jathar
There are a number of causes that lead to an eyelid bump. This eye infection, if not treated properly, could spread to the rest of the eyelid. Find out more about its causes, symptoms, and treatment.
Eyelids that protect our eyes are one of the most delicate parts of the human body. They are a thin layer of skin, which consists of layers of various important glands that protect and lubricate the eyes.
Due to its complex structure, an eyelid is often attacked by infections, which are associated with these glands. This causes an acne-like structure to appear on the eyelid, which is very painful.
An eyelid bump (due to a stye) mostly disappears on its own. However, it has a tendency to recur. When the infection (in some cases) spreads to the remaining portion of the eyelid, the condition is called eyelid cellulitis.


» Most of the time, an eye stye is the reason why a person suffers from a bump on the eyelid. An eye stye leads to swelling and redness of the eyelid, which often irritates the eyes as well. It is actually an inflammation of the sebaceous glands, which are present on the eyelids.
» Warts and several types of viral infections can also cause these bumps.
» Eyelid keratosis is also a condition that forms a benign bump. This bump, generally consists of excess keratin, or protein.
» There are many other medical conditions that can cause a bump to occur on the eyelid. These conditions are eyelid dermatitis, eyelid edema, milia, pimple on eyelid, etc.


  • Eyes turn red, watery, and are painful
  • The affected area is extremely scratchy
  • Tender eyelids
  • Pus-filled, reddish-pink pimple-like boil
  • Vulnerable when exposed to light
  • Eyelid skin looks torn, or worn off
  • Blurred vision, fever, and headache
There are various reasons why a person suffers from a small bump on the eyelid. Most of the time, the two factors, i.e., color and location of these bumps make it easy for the doctor to identify the exact eyelid disorder.

Various Medical Conditions

Also called meibomian cyst, chalazion is caused by clogging of the meibomian gland by sebum. The location of chalazion could be anywhere, from inside of the eye to the eyelids. Apart from a red bump, other symptoms of chalazion include painful, itchy, and swollen eyelids. This type of bump is not dangerous to health. However, despite the medication, it might take some time to get completely cured.
It is a skin disorder distinguished by the development of some abnormal yellow nodes on the surface of the eyelids. These bumps are especially observed in the elderly. They are often attributed to high cholesterol levels and metabolic irregularities. The bumps are harmless and can be removed by a simple surgery.
Eye Infections
It is also known as an eye stye. Most eye infections are caused due to a bacterium called Staphylococcus, which is present inside the eyelids. Overgrowth of this bacteria leads to an infection of the oil-producing glands on the eyelids. Such an infection leads to a swollen and red area on the surface of the eyelid. Proper treatment is very important to get quick relief from this eye stye.
Eyelid Cysts
There are several types of cysts that may cause a bump on the eyelids. Most common amongst them are epidermal inclusion cyst and sweat gland cyst. Both these cysts are actually painless and cause skin-colored bumps on the eyelids. Most of the time, such bumps don't have the potential to turn into a malignant state.
However, due to their appearance, they cannot be easily distinguished from basal cell carcinoma (a type of malignant tumor). As a result, they must be examined carefully and removed if necessary, as a precautionary measure.
Eyelid Nevus
There are two types of nevi that lead to a bump on the eyelid; the pigmented nevus and the intradermal nevus. Amongst these two, the pigmented one is always at a risk of turning into malignant tumors. It is a dark-colored bump, which is often asymptomatic.
The intradermal nevi are skin-colored that can be painful, at times. Any change in the appearance of these nevi can be a primary sign of basal cell carcinoma.

What You Should Know

✔ Always wash your hands thoroughly, before touching your eyelids.
✘ Do not use eye makeup or lenses, until the infection has completely healed.
✔ Apply warm compression on the eyelids for about 10 minutes, at least 5-6 times in a day.
✘ Do not scratch, squeeze, or irritate the eyelids, as this could damage or wear off the surface.
✔ To prevent the condition from returning and in order to reduce duct clogging, keep the eyelash area clean.
✘ Do not reuse the cloth or cotton ball. Always use clean sterile cotton swabs, and throw them after one use.
✔ You could also try applying unused tea bags that are slightly heated on the infected area. This will help the pus to drain, and the affected area will heal quickly.
✘ Avoid sharing soap, cosmetics, towels, and washcloths.
As you can see, there are many medical conditions that can lead to a bump(s) on the eyelid. An ophthalmologist is the best judge to determine the exact cause and suggest the course of treatment to opt for. The eye doctor will observe the boil and prescribe the medications according to its severity.
Most of the time, such boils disappear with a few doses of antibiotics and some eye drops. Biopsy is suggested for very few cases, only to make sure that the bump is not associated with eyelid skin cancer.
To prevent it from turning cancerous, it is better to get the bump surgically removed. The option of surgical removal of such bumps is also available for people, who are worried about their appearance.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional medical advice.