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Bumps on Skin that Don't Itch

Pragya T
There are many types of bumps on the skin that don't itch. This story describes the various symptoms related to different types of skin bumps, and the treatments involved for these bumps.
Bumps that cause itching call for one's attention, and hence they get treated easily. However, people have a tendency to ignore bumps which don't cause uneasiness. But, that doesn't mean that such lumps are harmless. Some of these bumps are serious and need medical care and some bumps are harmless, but can be removed due to cosmetic reasons.


Cysts are sac-like growths, which can contain gaseous, liquid or semi-solid substances. Cysts are so tiny that they are seen only through a microscope. But sometimes they grow so large that they might push normal organs in the body.
Obstruction in the blood flow, infections, tumors or chronic inflammatory conditions are some of the causes for the formation of cysts. They can form anywhere in the body, and look like small lumps or bumps. These bumps on the skin that don't cause any itching are not harmful, and many times disappear on their own.
However, if they become so big that they interfere with your day-to-day life, seek medical treatment which involves surgical excision or draining out the substance inside the cyst.


Warts are caused due to viral infection by human papillomavirus (HPV). These warts develop on hands and feet. However, there are other types of warts, which affect body parts like face, neck and genitals.
These are small looking bumps on the skin, that in most cases don't itch. The treatment depends on the type of warts, and usually involves topical application of medicine or surgical excision.


Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD), that mimics the symptoms of other diseases. This makes syphilis difficult to be identified. Syphilis is caused mostly, due to skin-to-skin contact with an infected person, during sexual intercourse. There are four stages of syphilis, with each showing different symptoms.
However, the primary stage (within 3 weeks of exposure) in men shows symptoms of a sore appearing on the penis or other genital area. In women, a sore can appear on the genital area or inside the vagina. These sores in the primary stage don't itch or cause any pain.
In the secondary stage, which is from 4 - 10 weeks of the first stage, one might develop bumps which resemble warts. For the early stage of this disease, a dose of penicillin is most commonly used as treatment.


Lipoma is a benign tumor, which is made of fatty tissues. These bumps feel soft when touched, and are usually movable and painless. They occur mostly in body areas like thighs, forearms or the middle area of the body. They are mostly seen in middle-aged people, but sometimes may be observed in children. Treatment is not required till the lump becomes painful. In most cases, surgical excision is used to remove lipoma bumps.

Cherry Angioma

These are red non-itchy bumps. This condition can affect anybody at any age. As the name suggests they are cherry red or purple in color, and are shaped like a round dome. They occur spontaneously and are not harmful in most cases. But if one gets these bumps frequently in a short period, medical care is needed. The treatment involves cryosurgery or electrosurgery. With new advances in the medical field, treatments like pulsed dye laser or intense pulsed light are also being used.


They are usually called skin tags and occur mostly in areas where the skin creases. Common places where they occur are neck, armpit and groin, but they can also be observed in certain areas of a person's face. They are harmless and painless and are caused due to rubbing of skin on skin. They don't require any treatment, but people get them removed for cosmetic reasons mostly by excision. Now, there is an over-the-counter medicine available, which freezes out the skin tag within 10 days.


This is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects adults. It produces small reddish, pus filled bumps. If rosacea is left untreated then it tends to become worse. Rosacea is many times confused with acne or eczema.
So, if you are experiencing persistent redness on your face seek medical help. Though, this condition can't be cured, certain treatments can help to reduce the signs of this condition.

Lyme Disease

This disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. One contracts this disease mostly when there is prolonged contact with grassy or heavily wooded areas, as ticks carry this disease. The symptoms of this disease are variable and include rash, joint pain, flu-like signs, etc. A person might get a small red bump at the skin region of the tick bite.
However, after few days, the redness increases and forms a bull's-eye pattern. Many people might get multiple rashes, which means the infection is spreading. However, if appropriate antibiotics are taken in the early stages of this disease one can recover completely.
One might feel embarrassed to see a doctor, when suffering from a skin disorder due to an STD. But it is imperative to seek medical help, for preventing the skin disorder from developing into a bigger health issue. It is important that you do not ignore any abnormal growth or bumps on the skin which don't itch.
In certain cases there is a possibility of these bumps developing into serious diseases like cancer, for example, genital warts can cause vaginal or cervix cancer. So, get these bumps diagnosed as soon as possible and prevent any health risks.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.