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Bumpy Itchy Rash

Seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, allergy, and insect bites are some of the probable causes of bumpy itchy rash on skin. This story discusses the causes and treatments of these kinds of rashes.
Kalpana Kumari
The chances of suffering from skin disorders are always there. If you have happened to develop it, you must understand the situation well to help yourself. Following is a brief description about some of its possible causes and treatment measures:


Bumpy itchy rash can be a symptom of numerous skin disorders. Some of them are picker's acne, dyshidrotic eczema, folliculitis, and seborrheic keratosis.
Picker's acne, also known as acne excoriee, is caused by frequent picking and squeezing of the acne lesion. Teenage girls have higher chances of developing picker's acne.
Dyshidrotic eczema involves the formation of clear, deep pips that burn and itch. Itching, reddening, and irritation of the affected skin are the prominent identifiable symptoms of dyshidrotic eczema. It is particularly responsible for causing itchy bumpy rash on the hands. It has also been found to affect the legs in many cases.
Folliculitis is described as the inflammation of the hair follicle. The hair follicle is the region of the skin that grows hair by packing old skin cells together. Folliculitis can literally affect any part of the body. However, it is more commonly seen to occur and lead to itchy bumpy rash on face, underarms, back of the knee, etc. Actually, folliculitis is found to affect the skin which is subjected to shaving, rubbing, and friction with clothes and jewelry.
Seborrheic keratosis is marked by excessive growth of cells present in the upper layers of skin. It may appear as a single layer or groups. The exact underlying factor for seborrheic keratosis is unknown till now.
In addition to the aforementioned dermatological disorders, bumpy itchy red rash can be caused by many other factors. The foremost among them are allergies. In medicine, the term allergy is defined as a malfunction of the immune system of your body that causes a violent reaction against a certain substance which is normally harmless.
Such an immune reaction is known as allergic reaction while the substance that triggers it is called the allergen. Some common examples of allergens are pollen, ingredients of toiletries, etc. Insect bite is another factor that may be responsible for itchy bumpy rash on skin.
The parts of your body that are left exposed are more prone to getting bitten by insects. When an insect bites any part of your skin, it injects its saliva. The saliva acts as an antigen and initiates the formation of antibodies against it. This in turn, leads to a series of reactions that may result in the formation of bumpy rashes on skin that itch.


The ideal treatment of itchy rash on skin is curing the skin disorder responsible for its appearance. For determining the exact cause and its treatment, you will have to consult a medical practitioner.
By the time you receive a cure for the causative dermatological disorder, you can try some of the home remedies suggested below. This will accelerate the recovery process.
  • Take non-prescription antihistamines to provide yourself some relief and comfort.
  • Apply fresh milk on the affected skin to reduce irritation.
  • Mix one cup each of baking soda and cornstarch in a tub of warm water. Soak yourself well in it for about 10 minutes. This will reduce itching to a great extent.
  • Apply aloe vera pulp on the affected skin and leave it on for a half hour before washing it off with water. The antiseptic, antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera will restore the healthy state of your skin fast.Most of the time, the aforementioned treatment measures are able to treat the itchy bumpy rash on skin.
You may rely upon them and can escape medical treatment. Closely monitor your condition well for a period of 7 days. However, if you do not find improvement in the condition of your skin, you must shift to medical treatment.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.