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Burn Scar Treatment

Bidisha Mukherjee
An effective treatment for burn scars is one which helps to remove the scars as early as possible. This story provides some information about the medicinal treatments, as well as some home treatments for the removal of the same.
Burn scars can be categorized into three different types. They are: keloid scars, hypertrophic scars, and contracture scars. Keloid scars are those where the scarred tissue overgrows. Most of the time, the overgrowth of the scarred tissues is not just confined to the injury site but goes beyond it.
The initial treatment for keloid scars and hypertrophic scars involves the administration of pain relieving medicines after a gap of 4 to 6 hours. Cortisone injections and steroid injections may also be required to control the swelling and pain. The swelling has to be checked more because if the burned part is inflamed, then the risk of burn scars increases.
Pressure garments are one of the best non-surgical treatments for minor burn scars. However, it is effective only if it is applied at the time of healing. It does not work well on old burn scars. With continuous application of the pressure, the possibility of growth of the scarred skin tissue is lessened.
Pressure garments help to prevent the swelling of the area and thus, scarring can be controlled.
Lotions and ointments that contain vitamin K as an ingredient are good for treating the scars resulting from burns. Like pressure treatment, it should be done at the time of the healing only.
The fatty substance of these ointments when penetrate into the scarred tissues and the normal surrounding tissues of the skin, it brings down the inflammation quickly and reduces the chance of formation of a new scar.
Contracture scars are firstly given physical therapy accompanied by pressure treatment and some exercises to normalize the affected part. If they fail to show any result then skin grafts may be carried out by the plastic surgeons.
This involves removal of the scarred tissue and replacement by the skin from some other unaffected part of the body. Old keloid scars can be removed with the help of surgery too. It is a simple surgery done under local anesthesia where the scarred tissue is cut out by surgical procedure.
Some Home Remedies
Here are some remedies that might prove beneficial for lightening the scar to a great extent provided the burn is not very serious. Those scars caused by serious burn injuries have to be treated or removed under the supervision of the professionals only
  • A good massage of a mixture of vitamin E oil and aloe vera gel on the affected part during healing can start regeneration of skin cells fast, as well as lighten the already developed scars.
Lemon juice can also be used for this purpose, however, it has to be used after complete healing of the injury, or else it will give a lot of irritation when applied on the open wounds. Apply the juice once daily and wait for about 15 minutes and then wash off.
  • Fenugreek seeds are also believed to be an excellent remedy for it. Soak one teaspoonful of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Paste the soaked seeds in the morning and apply it on the affected area.
One can also mix equal quantities of olive oil and coconut oil and apply it on the fresh new scars. This should be done daily before going to bed and one would observe fading away very soon.The success of the non-surgical form of treatment largely depends on how early it has been started.same.
One can get instant effect of the treatment provided adequate measures were taken at the time of healing to restrict the development of the scars. The result can also vary from person to person. The treatment is mostly a time-taking process, and hence one should be patient and continue with the treatment. 
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.