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Calcium Deposit Symptoms

Marlene Alphonse
Calcium deposits occur when the body is unable to break down excess calcium and goes on depositing it in various organs of the body. To know more about this mineral-related disorder, along with its signs, causes and treatment options, read on...
Calcium is an essential mineral that aids in the proper growth and development of bones and also regulates the functions of the muscles and nervous system.
Regular intake of calcium in required amounts helps to prevent the onset of osteoporosis, regulates clotting of blood and muscle contractions and also reduces the possibility of kidney stones. Excessive calcium or calcinosis, which is the accumulation of crystals within the soft tissues of the body, can lead to many complications if not cured in time.

Symptoms of Calcium Deposits

Deposits occur when there are large quantities of calcium phosphate crystals bundled together in the body. The most common places in the body where excess calcium gets deposited are near the knees, elbows or shoulders and under the skin of the fingers. The symptoms, severity and location of the crystals also determine if the calcinosis is mild or severe.
The symptoms can be classified under two main categories: metastatic and dystrophic.
  • People suffering from metastatic calcinosis develop whitish crystals under the skin and near the joints, especially in the shoulder region. When the skin in this area ruptures, a chalky white liquid is secreted.
  • Another symptom is bone spurs. Bone spurs occur when the bones start growing in an abnormal manner, causing pain, thus limiting the proper movement of the joints.
  • Dystrophic calcinosis occurs when the soft tissues in the body like ligaments, connective tissues, tendons etc. are damaged either through injury, surgery or from autoimmune disease like rheumatoid arthritis. 
Even though these deposits may not be painful in the initial stage, they may cause intense inflammation and pain as the clumps increase in size.
  • Calcium accumulation on bones can be quite a distressing condition. As the mineral deposits increase in size they apply a pressure on the bones or organs where they are present causing inflammation and pain.
  • Stiff joints and pain, ranging from mild to severe, experienced while moving the joints is also a common symptom.

Effects of Calcium Deposits

Though the main cause of calcium deposits is not known, the number of women suffering from this disorder is often more than men. Given below are the negative effects of calcinosis on the body.
  • Abnormal amounts of calcium in the urine can lead to kidney stones. 
This condition can be diagnosed by observing symptoms like fatigue, traces of blood in the urine, pain while urinating, fever and pain in the lower back or pelvic region.
  • There is also a risk of contracting prostate cancer if there are high deposits in the bloodstream.
  • A person having high calcium in his body may also suffer from constipation, problems in digestion and dryness of mouth.
  • High amount of this mineral in the tissues can be toxic and thus harm the proper functioning of the organs.
  • If there is too much deposit in the body especially in pregnant women, it may lead to congenital birth defects in the baby.
  • In case of lactating or nursing mothers, excessive amount of calcium accumulating in the can cause seizures and tetany in the baby.

Dissolving Calcium Deposits

Calcification can be a recurring condition, which requires treatment to curtail its spread in the body. Before administering treatment, the physician may run a series of diagnostic tests to check for the exact location and intensity of the deposits. Medication, especially anti-coagulants, may be prescribe to reduce the size of the lumps.
In case of pain, anti-inflammatory drugs are administered to numb it. Surgery is also an option if the deposit does not get dissolved with medication and poses a threat to any organ.
Calcium deposit symptoms can be avoided by reducing undue intake of this essential nutrient especially in the form of supplements. In case deposits turn into stones, timely medication or surgical removal may help ease the pain caused due to calcinosis.