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Candida Cleanse Therapy

Buzzle Staff
Candida cleanse is a therapy used to treat Candida infections that are caused mainly because of Candida albicans. It consists of a dietary plan commonly known as Candida diet. The following article provides information about the various components of this diet and how it helps the body.
Are you affected by exhaustion? Do you feel that your thinking has become Foggy of late? Are you craving for sugar, sweets, chocolates, or beverages like alcohol? Have you get annoyed due to frequent skin problems? If your answer is 'yes' then you probably affected by Candida albicans.
World wide, Candida infections are placed at the fourth place when it comes to listing the common causes of nosocomial bloodstream infections. In the past, Candida albicans has emerged as the most common pathogen causing these infections.
But lately, there is a sharp increase in infections due to other species of bacteria and fungi. Emerging drift in invasive Candidiasis is pointing towards this fact.

Candida Albicans

Candida albicans is a fungus, generally present in negligible amounts in the human mouth, throat, intestinal tract, and genital or urinary tract. Although, these bacteria are present everywhere in small quantities, their adverse effects are kept in check by our own immune system.
Under normal circumstances, these micro organisms are present in almost 80% of the human population without any harmful effects, courtesy to the balance provided by the bacteria. When this balance gets disturbed, it results in increase in the number of this pathogen and development of certain disease.
Once overgrown in numbers, the yeast undergoes a change from being beneficial to harmful. The acidophilus bacteria, the beneficial flora are then overpowered by this growth of fungal yeast.
This fungus then fasten itself to the mucus lining of the gastrointestinal tract and penetrates it, which results in entry of larger antibodies and pathogens through the intestinal lining causing illness and bowl pain. The condition is better known as candidiasis.


All types of symptoms have been accredited to Candida infection that includes fatigue, nervousness, headaches, allergies, anxiety, mood swings, frequent colds and flu, constipation, diarrhoea, etc.
A careful diagnosis, examination, and laboratory tests are necessary to confirm that the symptoms are indeed due to Candida. Therefore, you have to avoid the urge of a natural cleanse therapy without the proper confirmation.

The Cleanse

In today's modern world our changed, lavish living styles which includes ready-made foods and modern medical practices have contributed largely to compromise our own immune system.
Unnecessary and excessive use of steroids, antibiotics, over consumption of fasts food which elevate the acidic pH levels, stress, exposure to environmental toxins like mercury, lead and hormonal imbalance are some of the causes which are responsible for such conditions.
If you are affected by Candida infection, then Candida cleanse contributes to the most important aspect of its treatment. This aims at cleansing your body, in particular your gastrointestinal tract that is already experiencing over growth of Candida albicans.
It is a very important diet to get rid of unwanted, harmful yeast. You have to alter your diet to cut off the favorable conditions in which these micro-organisms can flourish and multiply. Therefore, diet plays a very crucial role in the cleansing process and is often termed as Candida diet.

Diet Requirements

In chronic Candidiasis, measures are taken to starve your body of some basic elements of diet which are supposed to stimulate the growth of these pathogenic yeasts.
You should cut off the consumption of refined sugar while performing basic cleanse, as sugar promotes the growth of such yeasts. However, after a week, consumption of fruits is permitted but in a controlled proportion.
Another important feature of this diet is that it aims at restricting the intake of carbohydrate. Low carbohydrate foods like meat, turkey, chicken, and non-starchy vegetables are included in the diet. According to experts, less than 60% of carbohydrate intake should be allowed for the first few weeks of the diet.
Fermented foods should be avoided as they are associated with increase in yeast production. Foods like cheese, breads made by yeast fermentation, mushrooms, beverages like bear, and tomato paste are some of the common examples of such fermentation products.
It has been observed that as the use of anti-microbial herbs and phytochemicals in the diet are increased it helps in bringing back the balance of the normal flora. Introduction of yogurt in diet is highlt beneficial for this condition. It is a natural source of Lactobacillus acidophilus.
This is a kind of bacteria which wards off the spread of Candida albicans. Therefore, supporting the immune system of the body with introduction of these friendly bacteria should be an integral part of the cleansing diet.
The time required for this diet to work depends on the how long the person was showing the symptoms of this condition and the intensity of the symptoms.
The general level of health is another important factor. Daily exercises and healthy lifestyle are some of the other important aspects of a stress-free and disease-free life.