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Canker Sore on Tonsil

Dr. Sumaiya Khan
A canker sore on tonsil is a very painful condition to deal with. Read on to know the causes and the treatment alternatives to curb the same.
Our mouth and throat are some of the most used (and abused) parts of our body. Whenever we eat something, it passes by the throat and then reaches the stomach. Due to the constant wear and tear going on in the oral cavity and the throat, there are high chances of infection and injury in these regions. A canker sore on tonsil is one such condition that may arise. Given below are the causes and remedies to deal with it.

What Causes Canker Sores on the Tonsil?

A canker sore is a small sore, that is non-viral and non-bacterial in nature. In other words, it is not caused due to an infection from a pathogenic agent. When it appears on the tonsil, it is most painful, and stings whenever the person swallows. If this condition is non-pathogenic in nature, what causes it?
It is actually caused due to an allergic reaction to certain types of foods, particular medicines, or a certain ingredient present in the toothpaste used by the person. It could also arise due to physical irritation of the tonsil, like by eating hard food.
However, in the end, it cannot be ascertained as to what are the exact causes of canker sores, as every person has a different trigger factor for the development of this condition.


First and foremost, when seeking medical treatment for canker sores on tonsil, you need to understand that there is no single cure-for-all available. As the trigger may vary from person to person, the treatment will also vary from person to person.
Following measures can be taken to deal with such a condition.
  • If you suffer from canker sores on a regular basis, it is best to keep a food diary, and note everything you eat. Then, see if a pattern of occurrence of the sores is seen after ingestion of certain types of food. If yes, then that is your trigger factor, and you need to avoid it.
  • If you have a tendency of developing cankers sores on your tonsils, it is best to avoid using toothpastes that contain sodium lauryl sulfate. This is an ingredient found in certain toothpastes, which acts as a foaming agent, and is a common trigger of canker sores in the oral cavity and on the tonsils.
  • Diet plays an important role in curing canker sores. By having foods like yogurt, which contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, you can decrease the severity of the burning sensation. Also, avoid spicy food completely, as this may worsen the pain.
  • One of the easy and effective remedies include making use of zinc lozenges. Zinc has a mild antibiotic action, which helps to kill any germs that may be present in the vicinity of the sore. This hastens the healing process.
  • Certain mouthwashes also contain antibacterial agents. Gargling with them will also help to get rid of the canker sore fast. If you do not wish to use a mouthwash, then one option is to gargle with saltwater.
  • You can apply a topical soothing agent to the sore, like glycerin or a topical anesthetic agent, to curb the burning sensation.
One needs to understand that the cause of this condition is variable. Hence, it is best to take as many precautions as possible to prevent the occurrence of this condition altogether.