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Causes of Skin Peeling Between the Toes

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Itching and peeling of skin between the toes are mostly due to increased dryness. Other causes include allergy, dermatitis, psoriasis, trench foot, fungal infections and bacterial infections.
Skin peeling in between the fingers and toes is not an unusual condition. For some people, it is chronic and symptoms exacerbate in particular seasons. While the causes of skin peeling between the toes are partly due to dry skin and seasonal fluctuations, there are many more factors that trigger this unsightly skin condition.
Understanding the causal reasons and avoiding them will make a lot of improvements in the skin symptoms. Also, peeling skin between the toes responds well to personal care tips.

What Causes Skin to Peel Between the Toes?

Mild peeling of skin in the finger, between toes and sole of the feet is not a subject to worry about. It may be a normal process of shedding dead skin cells, which in turn are replaced by new skin cells. Also, it is to borne in mind that prominent skin peeling by itself is not a disease.
Rather, it is a referred sign of some other medical problems. Very often, peeling skin is accompanied with irritation, itching, scaling and a string of other symptoms. The various reasons for skin peeling between toes are described below.

Environmental Factor

One of the general causes of skin peeling between the toes is exposure to dry climatic conditions of winter, and scorching heat of summer that rips the skin moisture. Lack of humidity in indoor homes may exacerbate skin peeling in the fingers and toes. And if dry weather is the causal factor behind peeling skin in the toes, other areas of the body may also manifest skin dryness, itchiness and peeling.

Dehydration Effect

Loss of moisture and dry skin are the prime causes of peeling skin on feet, between the toes and fingers. Some people have a habit of repeatedly washing hands and feet with soap and water. While it is a good habit, overdoing leads to depletion of skin oils and moisture, resulting in dryness and skin peeling. The same dehydration effects are observed after taking hot baths for an extended period.

Allergic Responses

Allergies may aggravate the toe skin to itch and peel. This holds true for people who regularly visit public swimming pools and alike areas. While walking barefoot, the skin of the sole and in between toes may get exposed to several allergenic substances. In addition to this, detergents and home cleaning agents may contribute to itching, dryness and peeling of skin in between the toes.

Athlete's Foot

Itching and peeling skin between the toes are typical signs of athlete's foot. In this irritating foot condition, specific strains of the fungal genus Trichophyton attack the skin between the toes, multiply and cause discomfort symptoms. The infected skin not only turns red, but it cracks and flakes easily. Wearing footwear most of the time is a major cause of athlete's foot, which provides a preferable environment (warm and moist condition) for the growth of fungus.

Toe Box Dermatitis

It is a form of dermatitis, caused due to continuous wearing of shoes having rubber toe box (semicircular part that protects toes). What happens is, sweat from the toes are not able to escape outside because of the insulating toe box. This results in increased temperature and excess moisture inside the shoes, which cause inflammation, redness and peeling of the sensitive skin between the toes.

Other Foot Problems

Although it is not so common, cellulitis is a probable reason for skin peeling between the toes. It is caused due to bacterial infection, and is characterized by fever, pain, skin redness, irritation, warmth and peeling. Another cause for peeling skin of the feet and toes is trench foot. A form of immersion foot syndromes, it is triggered after repeated exposure of the feet to damp and unhygienic conditions. Also, psoriasis of the feet is accompanied by peeling of skin between toes.

How to Deal with Peeling Skin Between the Toes?

Approaches for treating skin peeling depend upon what causes this foot problem. Hence, ruling out the probable reasons for skin peeling between the toes is necessary to address the condition effectually. Keeping the feet clean and dry is of utmost importance to improve skin peeling.
If it stems from dry skin and dehydration, applying a good skin moisturizer works great in restoring normal skin appearance. Also, don't wear very tight shoes and shoes that have synthetic toe box. The point is to wear comfortable footwear, which allows the toe skin to breathe freely.
The bottom line is, root causes of skin peeling between the toes are not always serious. However, adopting a proper skin care routine is imperative to avoid recurrence, especially if it stems from fungal infections. In case of stubborn infections, skin peeling and associated symptoms may persist even after following self-care measures. For such cases, take the help of a dermatologist and follow the recommended suggestions for prompt treatment.