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What is Chest Physiotherapy?

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Chest physiotherapy is the removal of excess sputum secretions from the respiratory system. Here's more about the techniques and importance of undergoing this physiotherapy.
Chest physiotherapy (CPT) is a physical technique of removing excess mucus (sputum) from the respiratory passages, particularly from inside the lungs so as to improve breathing. The main objective of this technique is to mobilize secretions, clear airway obstructions, strengthen the respiratory muscles.
Enhance the exchange of gas so as to receive more oxygen by the body. This type of physiotherapy should be followed under a physician's supervision in hospitals and clinics or under the guidance of a qualified, trained person at home.
The mucus secretion is normal to some extent in order to moisten the lungs. However, in case of chest infections, there is abnormal secretion of mucus, that becomes thick in course of time. Due to lung diseases and other abnormalities, the body can't expel the secretions through cough. For such conditions, CPT is prescribed, which is effective for all age groups.
CPT is most commonly used for patients suffering from cystic fibrosis, to clean the sputum from the airways. The lungs of such patients secrete excessive mucus, that often leads to infection & damage of the lung tissues. CPT is also followed by people with respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
A postoperative patient who has difficulty in expelling sputum naturally can also be a candidate. It has been an important care program followed for patients undergoing artificial ventilation for respiratory failure.
Chest physiotherapy includes turning (side to side), postural drainage, percussion or vibration of chest, coughing and controlled coughing, and deep breathing exercises, which are done in combination with other treatment methods like nebulization therapy, suctioning, and other expectorant medications.
Postural Drainage: Postural drainage is one of the important methods of CPT, in which the body is positioned in such a way that due to gravity, mucus in the lungs is drained to the throat where it can be easily removed.
Chest Percussion: This refers to the creation of vibrations by clapping or hitting over the chest area. This helps in loosening and breaking down the thick mucus secretions of the airways. The loosened mucus is expelled by the action of tiny hair-like structures called cilia, which are present in the epithelial tissues of the lungs.
Controlled Coughing: Controlled or assisted coughing is an effective way of CPT. It breaks down the thick mucus secretions and increases the cough pressure to expel the mucus. It is advised to do assisted coughing after postural drainage, for expelling the secretions.
Deep Breathing: Deep breathing is another important method of chest physiotherapy, the advantage of which is expansion of the lung tissues and proper distribution of air in all sections of the respiratory system.
People with acute asthma, tuberculosis, recent heart attack, fractured ribs, head and neck injury, and those who have undergone recent surgery should not go for chest physiotherapy. It is to be noted that the suitability of the CPT technique depends on the patient's overall health condition.
Hence, it is advisable to consult a qualified physician beforehand. The doctor will examine the patient's health and recommend an effective CPT technique based on his/her physical condition.