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Chronic Dehydration Symptoms

Kundan Pandey
Chronic dehydration can lead to several health problems in the life of an individual. In this story, we will discuss numerous signs related to this medical condition.
The term chronic dehydration signifies an acute shortage of water in the human body that eventually leads to hosts of health related problems. Surprisingly, majority of us suffer from chronic dehydration, however, we become conscious about this problem only when we encounter issues related to it.
In case, you don't drink enough fluids (not just water), as per the body requirements, then it's highly possible that several health related problems that you face in daily life, are due to chronic dehydration.
Certainly, this poor habit of less fluid intake has developed over many years. Wondering if all this is true? Well, it certainly is and that you'll come to know when you read further about them in the contents, covered in this article.

Symptoms of Chronic Dehydration

Most of the signs of dehydration are directly related to the poor functioning of the digestive system. Drinking adequate amount of water is, in essence, a much forgotten and neglected secret for healthy digestive system, and eventually, a healthy body. It is essential to know what causes dehydration so that we can amend our lifestyle to inculcate healthy habits, chief among them being the habit of drinking plenty of fluid.

Extreme Fatigue

Do you get easily tired and experience fatigue frequently? Or, the day you consume less water than normal, do you feel discomfort? Well, if these are the cases, you must monitor you water intake on regular basis as these can be few of the many signs of dehydration. Chronic dehydration leads to loss of energy and hence fatigue.


Foods that we consume passes through intestinal tracts and several other paths of digestive system before it turns into stool and is discharged from the body. While passing through different paths, all water in foods is absorbed by various organs in digestive system.
Hence, in the end, if you're not drinking plenty of water, intestine will be eventually forced to draw more water from stool. This renders the stool dry, hard and consequently, one suffers from severe constipation. One of the dangers of chronic dehydration is constipation and it is a hint toward the occurrence of this disease.

Infections in Urinary System

Our urinary system, particularly, urinary channels require a balanced concentration of urine and water. In case, water intake is less, urine concentration will be diluted. And if toxin substances in urine are not properly diluted with water, they harm mucous membranes of urinary system. Moreover, they may lead to several urinary infections.

Skin Disorders

Pimples and other skin problems have been closely related with drinking less water daily and are some of the many reasons behind a dehydrated skin. At least one liter of water per day (that is the minimum requirement, on an average an adult should drink 2 - 3 liters of water per day) is required by our body to reduce toxins and eliminate skin irritants.
It is not surprising every skin doctor advises you to increase your water intake. Chronic dehydration leads to several skin problems as the body is not getting sufficient water to perspire.

Obesity and Overweight

Generally, people who have a habit of overeating confuse hunger and want of water. Hence, people who have put lots of weight or are obese are generally advised to increase their water intake. It has been found that people on dieting and exercise regimes benefit a lot due to drinking plenty of water.

Stomach Ulcers/Gastric Ulcers

For preventing the damage of stomach walls due to uric acid, there are mucous membranes that consist chiefly of water. Hence, dehydration can lead to damage of these membranes and hence stomach walls leading to stomach ulcers and other similar problems.
Water is a vital part of this Universe. For the human body, it's no less than an elixir of life. Almost all biological processes, right from synthesis to degradation of products in cells, tissues and organs, require water to function effectively. Water is a source for all chemical reactions going inside the body and any decrease in its intake shows significant effects on the body. Water is just not a liquid, it's indeed a boon for life.