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Coated Tongue

Nicks J
A coated tongue indicates buildup of bacteria and debris on the surface of the tongue. Giving little importance to tongue cleaning, while maintaining oral hygiene, is to be blamed for formation of white coating on the tongue.
A coated tongue looks different and no longer appears pink. This unusual appearance of the tongue is due to the formation of a yellow or white layer on it. Sometimes, the tongue is found to be coated with brown or black layer, leaving a bad taste in the mouth.


There are various causes that can be attributed to discoloration of the tongue. They are discussed below:

White Tongue

A white tongue may mean a oral thrush, a condition that causes excessive growth of Candida fungus (yeast) in the oral cavity. This fungal infection causes formation of white patches on the tongue. Yeast naturally occurs in the human body, which plays a crucial role to synthesize B complex vitamins.
However, when yeast growth goes unchecked, it causes an infection, leading to formation of a white film on the tongue.

Yellow Tongue

Occurrence of thick, yellow coating on the tongue is the result of mouth bacteria. As we all know, the outermost layer of the tongue is made up of innumerable tiny elevations, referred to as papillae. When these tiny bumps swell or enlarge, they become the breeding grounds of mouth bacteria.
These bacteria residing in the papillae secrete a yellow colored chemical that makes the tongue yellow.

Black Tongue

Discoloration of the tongue that makes it hairy black is indeed unpleasing to the eye. Dark color of the tongue indicates excessive lengthening of fungiform papillae, forming small hair-like projections on the dorsal surface of the tongue.
Apart from poor oral hygiene, other factors that can cause black hairy tongue are dehydration and excessive use of mouthwash, medications like antibiotics and Pepto-Bismol.

Is it Harmful?

A tongue that is coated with a white, yellow or black layer is fortunately a harmless condition. Coating on the tongue is not a symptom of any illness and often goes away without any medical treatment. Even though dark yellow tongue may mean a jaundice infection, it is a rarity.
Maintaining a high standard of oral hygiene is the key to keep the tongue healthy. After brushing teeth, we often neglect to clean the tongue. Using the tongue cleaner on a regular basis is necessary to prevent accumulation of food debris and bacteria on the top layer of the tongue.
Also, you should stay away from unhealthy habits like chewing and smoking tobacco. All in all, inculcating habits such as flossing everyday, brushing twice a day and washing the mouth thoroughly with water after every meal, can go a long way in keeping these tongue problems at bay.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.