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Cold Hands and Feet Causes

Bidisha Mukherjee
The chilling sensation associated with cold hands and feet give us a sense of discomfort. Read this story to understand the main causes behind this medical phenomenon.
We all have experienced cold hands and feet when we are exposed to cold temperature. It is normal, as long as it is not accompanied by any other symptoms, and it goes after some time. Actually, the arteries of the body narrow down under the influence of cold which in turn, temporarily affects the flow of blood to the areas like hands and feet.
As result, hands and feet tend to become cold. However, you will find there are some people whose hands and feet are cold all the time. This could be related to some underlying health problem.


A number of factors can make hands and feet cold to touch. A few of the most commonly found causes have been discussed below:

Raynaud's Syndrome

This is also known as cold hands and feet syndrome. It is more commonly found in women, below the age of 40. It is a blood vessel disorder where the blood vessels contract abnormally, and affect normal supply of blood to the tissues in various parts of the body.
If people suffering from Raynaud's syndrome are exposed to cold temperature, then their fingers and toes get discolored, and turn white or blue. Along with discoloration, the fingers and toes become extremely painful.


This can be described as a cold injury which results from exposure to freezing temperature. The fingers and toes get badly affected by frostbite. As the temperature is extremely low, the skin surface gets frozen and the blood supply to those parts reduces drastically.
Usually, it is not a harmful condition as only the outer part of the skin suffers damage. If there is a prolonged exposure to an extreme low temperature, then blisters appear on the skin surface which require good care. Or else, it may cause harm to the underlying blood vessels and other structures.

Other Causes

Those who have atherosclerosis or diabetes tend to develop blood circulation problem as these diseases have an adverse effect on the blood vessels. In such cases, cold feet and hands is a symptoms of peripheral vascular disease.
During panic attacks, the heart beats at a much faster rate than usual, and less amount of blood is supplied to the extremities like hands and feet and they become cold. It can also result from a chronic allergy that leads to lowering of blood pressure, iron deficiency anemia, hypothyroidism or side effects of some medicines.


The frostbites should be kept clean and dry. Do not exert any pressure on them or rub them while cleaning. It will heal up faster if the affected area is kept in an elevated condition. Most importantly, the hands and feet should be protected from any further exposure to cold.
In other cases, the treatment is based upon the underlying health condition. Suitable medicines are prescribed by the doctors for the treatment.
Diabetic patients are advised to keep the blood sugar levels in check. For anemia, intake of iron and vitamin C should be increased. It can be obtained by eating foods that are rich in iron and vitamin C or else it can be taken in the form of nutritional supplements.
For badly blocked arteries caused by atherosclerosis, surgical option may have to be availed. During winters, doctors advise many patients to wear warm clothing like socks and gloves to trap the body heat.
A change in lifestyle can keep most of the causes of cold hands and feet at bay. It includes, eating nutritious foods, doing regular exercises and keeping the mind free from stress. Those who get panic attacks quite frequently should learn some relaxation techniques. Smokers should quit smoking as it badly affects the blood circulation in the body. Even caffeinated beverages should be avoided.