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Colon Inflammation Symptoms

Narayani Karthik
Colitis is also known as colon inflammation. Observing the symptoms exhibited by this disorder will help diagnose its severity so that appropriate treatment can be administered. This story provides information regarding the same.
Colon of the human body is the last of the organs that aid in completing the digestion of food ingested. It absorbs water, potassium, and some fat-soluble vitamins from the already digested food before expelling it as feces. But, this organ is also susceptible to certain infections and diseases.
Any organ of our body responds to an anomalous condition by exhibiting an inflammatory response. Hence, if the epithelial tissue of the colon is damaged, or if the mucosa layer of the colon is infiltrated by leukocytes, the colon lining swells, exhibiting redness and heat.

Signs of an Inflamed Colon

Some of the major symptoms observed in all the above stated colitis types are listed below:
  • Bloody bowel movements
  • Excruciating abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Tenesmus (painful straining during defecation or urination)
  • Dehydration
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Anemia
The most prominent symptoms are persistent diarrhea followed by abdominal pain and fever. If such symptoms are found in a person for a long span of time, he must seek immediate medical attention.


Firstly, the doctor may run a thorough check on the medical history of the person to understand the causes that could have caused colitis. (As it is evident from the table above, there are different types of colitis attributing to various causes).
Secondly, the doctor might ask the patient if there is blood in stools. This symptom indicates the possibility of colon cancer, which is also one palpable cause for colitis. Further questions may include as to when the symptoms started showing, the duration of the pain, the frequency of diarrhea, and the diet the patient is currently following.
Once the past medical history and the current condition is assessed, the doctor proceeds with the physical examination.
Whenever there is an abdominal pain, there is a tenderness felt on touch. Also, on pressing the abdomen at certain points, pain is felt. The doctor examines the abdomen to check if organs like liver, spleen, or kidney have inflamed due to the infection.
Then, the patient is subjected to a rectal examination, where the doctor inserts a finger inside the rectum to check if there is a tumorous growth inside. This examination is very important as it is in this test, the color and consistency of the stools can be assessed as to whether they are bloody or not. Other parameters like temperature, pulse beat, respiratory rate, and blood pressure are also checked for.
Now, the doctor proceeds with the blood tests to confirm the potential concerns associated with the colon. Blood test reports give the count of red blood cells (RBCs), the white blood cells (WBCs) and the platelets. Besides, the report also contains electrolytic abnormalities that are responsible for diarrhea. RBC count defines the amount of bleeding caused by the infection. WBC count helps in diagnosing if the immune system of the body has been compromised.
If the WBC count exceeds the normal count, there is a chance of a cancerous development (like colon cancer) that is invariably a cause for colitis. Blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels are checked for and stool samples are collected for figuring out the type of colitis. Colonoscopy procedures and CT scan are also done to check for any cancerous growth in colon.


An inflamed colon can be quite a painful condition. This health disorder can be caused due to a number of factors ranging from microscopic bacteria to other diseases related to the digestive system.

Colitis Type & Cause

  • Infectious Colitis → Bacteria like Shigella, E.coli, Salmonella, and Campylobacter
  • Ischemic Colitis → Atherosclerosis (narrowing down of arteries that limit blood supply to colon), Volvulus, and incarcerated hernia
  • Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease (autoimmune inflammatory bowel diseases) → Malfunctioning immune system and heredity
  • Microscopic Colitis →  Collagenous Colitis and Lymphocytic Colitis (Colon walls glutted with collagen or lymphocytes)
  • Chemical Colitis → Harsh chemicals instilled into colon


Once the cause is determined, the doctor proceeds with the treatment. The initial treatment starts with a clear fluid diet for a day and bed rest. Acetaminophen is given to arrest the abdominal pain.
Bacterial infections that lead to colon inflammation can be treated with antibiotics to get rid of the infection (caused by clostridium difficile). In case of Ischemic colitis, intravenous fluids are given to the patient to prevent dehydration immediately.
Surgical means are used to remove certain infected regions of the bowels. If the symptoms attribute to inflammatory bowel diseases (like ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease), anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed to suppress the autoimmune system of the body. In emergencies, surgical means are adopted and infected parts of the small intestine and colon are removed.
The inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), which are also one of the major cause for colitis, are more serious than other causes. This is because the other colitis types can be easily controlled by taking antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medications.
But in case of IBDs, it becomes more of colitis symptoms control exercise as the symptoms are recurring. Also, as these diseases often attribute to the heredity factor, the patient is advised to get regular checkups done to rule out any further recurrence of the symptoms.
Colitis is a very common affliction that affects millions of people on a daily basis. The most probable reasons for this colon disorder are consumption of polluted water, poor personal hygiene, and inadequate sanitation.
People with high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol levels must include high-fiber foods in their colon-cleanse diet to regulate the bowel movements. Also, personal hygiene is very important to sustain a healthy body. After all, we do not have control over the environment around us, but we do have control over the hygiene we set for ourselves.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.