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Common Gout Triggers

Madhura Pandit
Certain foodstuffs, medications, alcohol are some of the most common gout triggers. This story provides a list of things that can cause gout.
Gout is a painful foot problem, caused due to abnormal metabolism of uric acid in the body. Due to this condition, the uric acid gets deposited in the joints, specially of the big toe. Therefore, in simplest terms, gout can be defined as the inflammation and pain of the big toe that occurs suddenly. People of any age group can contract this disease; and interestingly, this condition is commonly found in men, than in women.
Gout Causes
As mentioned above, this condition occurs when excess uric acid gets built up in the body. When the level of uric acid in blood increases, it gets converted into crystallized form and gets deposited in the extremities. The exact cause for this is unknown, however, there are several factors that result in this condition.
  • Consuming alcohol
  • Having a diet high in purines
  • Taking certain hypertension medications, nicotinic acid, cyclosporine A, etc.
  • Being obese
  • Losing weight rapidly
  • Suffering from hypothyroidism, tumors
  • Having undergone surgery or organ transplant
  • Genetics
  • Exposure to lead

Foods that Trigger Gout


Beef, bacon, bologna, chicken, goose, pork, pepperoni, pheasants, partridge, salami, sausage, scallops, turkey, veal, etc. Red meat of every kind and organs like liver, kidney, brain.


Anchovies, cod, crab, clams, herring, mackerel, mussels, salmon, shrimp, scallops, sardines, trout, etc.


Gout and alcohol are closely related to each other, and consuming any form of alcohol causes gout.


Asparagus, beans, cauliflower, lentils, mushrooms, peas, spinach, dried fruits, roasted nuts, etc.


Creamy sauces and gravies, soups, consommé, sweetbreads, hotdogs with any of the above mentioned ingredients; yeast containing products like bread, pastries, bagels; ice cream; dairy products like milk, butter, cream, cheese, all fried and greasy foods, etc.
Disclaimer: This is only a generalized list. The things that trigger off gout may not be same for all people.
Gout can be treated with the help of medications like non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, etc., that help in relieving the pain and getting rid of the inflammation. However, along with the medications, you should also follow a proper diet to prevent this condition. You should keep a food and drinks dairy in order to have a list of foods that trigger off this condition and those safe to consume.
Lastly, as a concluding note, one should remember that proper treatment and diet can help in keeping this condition at bay in the future. If you suffer from any symptoms of gout, you should consult the doctor and make changes in the diet according to his recommendations. Take care!
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and does not, in any way, intend to replace the advice of a medical professional.