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Common Symptoms & Causes of Myocarditis

Modern Times
Myocarditis occurs when the heart muscle is inflamed, which weakens your heart and restricts blood to the rest of your body. Myocarditis has several common symptoms and causes.
There are several causes and symptoms of myocarditis and it is important to raise myocarditis awareness to ensure that myocarditis is treated right away, without causing detrimental harm to your health.

Viral Infections Can be the Cause of Myocarditis

Viral infections like Coxsackie B viruses, hepatitus C, herpes and even strep throat to name a few can cause myocarditis.

Myocarditis occurs under these circumstances due to the disease fighting chemicals that your body naturally produces. If these chemicals get to your heart, the heart muscle will become inflamed causing myocarditis.

Fungal and Parasitic Infections can be the Cause Myocarditis

Yeast infections, molds and other fungi can cause myocarditis. This occurrence is rare. Myocarditis can also be caused by parasites and other organisms that feed off other organisms to survive.

Parasites are more common in the southern region of the world and are rare in the continental U.S.

Chemicals can be the Cause of Myocarditis

Chemicals that can weaken your heart can be the cause of myocarditis. These chemicals include alcohol, drugs, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

It is important to undergo cancer treatment at a accredited institute such as the JFK Medical Center Comprehensive Cancer Institute, so that they can monitor you for any symptoms of myocarditis.

Allergic Reactions can be the Cause of Myocarditis

Severe allergic reactions and reactions to bites as stings such as spider bites, wasp stings, snake bites can be the cause of myocarditis.

Always veer on the safe side and get checked out by a medical professional after having a severe allergic reaction.


Symptoms of myocarditis includes; shortness of breath, abnormal heartbeat, lightheadedness, stabbing chest pains, fatigue, painful or swollen joints, and small amounts of urine.

When some or all of these symptoms occur seek help from a medical professional for further tests.
Although the signs and symptoms of myocarditis seem to coincide with exertion it is better to be on the safe side and have a professional check you out.

Heart problems often happen unexpectedly and can put a great deal of strain on your body. Know the signs and symptoms of myocarditis and be safe and healthy!