Nausea or vomiting is normal and should not concern you. But if the problem becomes constant, or worsens with time, then you may have some reasons to worry about your health.
Nausea is one of the first reactions of the human body, when it wants to get rid of some foreign bodies or substances such as germs, unwanted food products, toxic substances, etc. Another cause behind nausea is, over production of bodily fluids such as enzymes and acids.
Why Do you Feel Nauseous Constantly? You may feel nauseated all the time due to the following reasons:
1.Gastroenteritis or Stomach Infection
Gastroenteritis leads to inflammation of the digestive tract which is caused as a result certain bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Salmonella, Shigella, Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, Yersinia, Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridium, etc.
There are several others. In fact, any kind of infection in the human body can cause nausea. Viruses such as astrovirus, norovirus, adenovirus and rotavirus, can also cause similar conditions.
2.Food Poisoning
There are two probable reasons cause nausea when a person suffers from food poisoning. The first cause is the presence of certain microbes in body which were consumed with the food, which the body either does not accept or which lead to gastroenteritis or other gastrointestinal diseases.
In certain cases, the food may contain toxins which the body attempts to throw out or which irritate and damage the digestive system which trigger the nausea, and eventual vomiting.
3.Physical Trauma
One common cause of this ailment is physical trauma, caused due to a brain tumor. Sometimes, nausea is also experienced as a result of a brain injury to sensitive parts of the brain. Infection of lining of the brain is also another cause of constant nausea.
This phenomenon, of inflammation of the lining of the brain, is termed as meningitis. Apart from trauma caused to the brain, trauma and injury to the digestive system itself is also a cause of nausea.
4.Psychological Causes
Some of the other causes of such persistent and continual nausea, include psychological reasons such as anxiety and stress. Bloating, gas, diarrhea and acid reflux are all symptoms of extreme stress and anxiety and in many cases also fear. A constant headache and nausea is a common ailment that people who are under extreme stress suffer from.
Chemotherapy is another factor that may cause a constant urge to vomit. Chemotherapy is a situation that cannot be avoided. However, doctors tend to recommend, many different anti-nausea medications, that help people undergoing chemotherapy to maintain a healthy food consumption.
At times, doctors may also recommend a good diet plan that helps the body to accept, digest and take benefit of all nutrients of the food. Antibiotics or anesthetic agents sometimes also cause a similar nausea.
The inflammatory bowel disease is another infectious disease which affects the lower colon and the small intestine which leads to the nausea. The cause of nausea during pregnancy is morning sickness.
Morning sickness, is basically a defensive mechanism of the human body to protect the fetus from unwanted substances that enter the body through food. Well this is the reason, why mothers love their babies so much, as they go through a lot of pain, nausea and vomit countless times to protect their babies.
Hormonal changes, an aid to the immune system and high estrogen levels are some other explanations to morning sickness.
Other causes may include:
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Small bowel obstruction
Addisonian crisis
These ailments, of course, have some or the other effect, nausea is not the only one.
Treatment Measures
There is no single and definite cure for constant and persisting nausea. The solution depends on what is causing the problem.
In case if nausea and headaches are caused due to a brain tumor, the removal of brain tumor, or appropriate medication for Meningitis, is the best option.
Phenergan and Compazine, are two types of medications that prevent nausea which is caused by chemotherapy, stress, nervousness.
Nausea that is caused as a result of pregnancy is quite natural. However, you must look up the proper features and effects of morning sickness. In case you feel that anything is abnormal, make haste and see your gynecologist.
Conditions such as food poisoning, inflammatory bowel disease, gastroenteritis and any kind of stomach infection is cured by oral medication, notably antibiotics.
In cases where nausea is caused as a result of medications such as prolonged dosage of antibiotics, the nausea is cured by prescription tablets which helps the body to reduce the nausea
If you are suffering from constant nausea, then it is better to consult a physician, as unnecessary and continuous nausea is not a very healthy condition. Delay in treatment may lead to further effects, that can become more severe and grave. It is thus important to trace the problem immediately, and get rid of it.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.