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Cramps After Conception

Leena Palande
Some women may experience light cramps after conception. This can be considered as one of the early signs of pregnancy. Cramps also indicate an ectopic pregnancy or an impending miscarriage. Read on to know the causes of cramping and bleeding after conception....
A woman who wants to get pregnant soon, eagerly looks for the early pregnancy signs. Women who are worried about unwanted pregnancy, also want to know whether they are pregnant or not, as early as possible.
Mild cramping, like the cramping experienced during regular menstrual cycle, can be an early sign of pregnancy. But severe cramping and bleeding usually indicates pregnancy complication.

Mild Cramps After Conception: Early Pregnancy Sign

If the question 'is cramping normal in early pregnancy' is lingering in your mind, then here is the answer. Mild cramping, about 8-10 days after conception is an early sign of pregnancy. During conception, fertilization of female egg by male sperm takes place.
The fertilized egg or zygote then travels to the uterus and gets itself attached to the uterine wall. This process is known as 'implantation'. Some women do experience cramping during implantation. Implantation cramping may be followed by spotting or light bleeding, known as implantation bleeding.
Remember, it is perfectly normal if you do not experience cramping or bleeding during implantation. Only 20-30% pregnant women experience cramping and implantation bleeding.
As the embryo starts growing in the uterus, the ligaments supporting the uterus get stretched. Several hormonal and structural changes take place in the woman's body. The growing uterus exerts pressure on the surrounding organs, resulting in cramps.
Women may suffer from problems like indigestion, constipation and stomach bloating, leading to abdominal cramps. Lack of minerals like calcium and magnesium gives rise to leg cramps. A woman's body needs more nutrients during pregnancy. So, experiencing mild cramps like menstrual cramps or abdominal cramps during pregnancy is perfectly normal.

Severe Cramps After Conception: Pregnancy Complications

Miscarriage: If a woman experiences severe cramping after conception, followed by bleeding then it can be a cause of concern. Female hormones estrogen and progesterone play an important role in healthy pregnancy. Hormonal imbalance, especially low progesterone levels during early pregnancy can lead to cramping and miscarriage.
In early pregnancy, the corpus luteum releases progesterone and later on, the placenta releases progesterone. The hormone progesterone helps maintain the required temperature during ovulation.
If the woman succeeds in conceiving, then her body temperature remains slightly elevated, after conception. Progesterone helps fetch more blood towards uterus by stimulating the blood vessels around uterus. It promotes thickening of the uterine wall and also of the cervical wall and cervical mucus.
It stimulates tiny glands on the uterine wall (endometrium) to release a fluid that nourishes sperms and the embryo. Thus progesterone helps the body to prepare for the growth of the embryo. The body of a woman with insufficient progesterone may not be able to hold the embryo in the uterus, resulting in cramping and miscarriage.
Low progesterone levels in early pregnancy lead to untimely contractions of uterus while low progesterone levels at the end of the pregnancy lead to onset of labor.
Ectopic Pregnancy: When the embryo does not enter the uterus and starts growing somewhere else (most often in the fallopian tube), the condition is referred to as ectopic pregnancy. As the growing embryo exerts pressure on the walls of the tube, the woman experiences pain and cramping.
The growing pressure leads to rupturing of blood vessels in the tubes, resulting in bleeding. The woman may complain about sharp pain in the pelvic region. She may suffer from lower back pain. Some women may experience referred pain in the shoulder and/or neck.
Dizziness and fainting due to low blood pressure is possible during ectopic pregnancy. Ruptured ectopic pregnancy results in stabbing pain and cramps in the pelvic region. Ectopic pregnancy can be confirmed by measuring the level of the hormone hCG. Pregnant women show a whopping rise in blood hCG levels. If such a rise in hCG is not seen, doctors suspect ectopic pregnancy.
Other Problems: Along with the above two possibilities, doctors usually check whether the woman is suffering from cramping due to ovarian cyst, placental abruption, preeclampsia (high blood pressure) and urinary tract infections.
An abnormal condition of any organ in the abdominal cavity can lead to cramping. Similarly, abnormal blood pressure levels, abnormal electrolyte levels can result in cramping.
Woman who wish to get pregnant soon, should get themselves examined by a doctor, before conceiving. They should stop smoking and should avoid drinking alcohol. They should follow a healthy diet and should exercise regularly to maintain hormonal balance. Stressful lifestyle, excessive consumption of drugs and medications can affect hormone levels seriously.
Although cramping after conception is considered as an early sign of pregnancy, it does not confirm your pregnancy. Elevated body temperature for more than 12 days after ovulation, missed period, are some of the early pregnancy signs which help confirm pregnancy.
You can announce your pregnancy after you get positive reports of the home pregnancy test and blood test; and after you are examined by your doctor.